She has 6 eggs, 2 are bait eggs, I tried to get them Monday evening when I first seen her sitting, I was attacked, so she can have them. I did mark the 4 this morning when she was off. She is a year old.
It was always interesting when our girl turkeys went broody , they would hiss like a snake and try to peck me. Sometimes I wasn't fast enough and they got me 😳 ouch.
I have been broody hen bitten. Getting broody turkey attacked seems like it would be MUCH worse. 🤔

I hope she is successful then.

It was always interesting when our girl turkeys went broody , they would hiss like a snake and try to peck me. Sometimes I wasn't fast enough and they got me 😳 ouch.

Yeah mine usually try to beat me to death with their wings, along with grasping and twisting whatever they can. Not worth getting a few eggs lol
@Molpet What kind of turkeys? I have a friend looking for Royal Palms.
Mainly Calico and a few red bronze and semi colored semi nari



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@Molpet I'm sorry Noah went downhill so quick, but you gave him the best 4 months that anyone could. He was loved and he loved y'all as well. I'm glad he found you. :hugs

School is out for me till Monday. I'm retaking my math class and taking human anatomy and physiology part 2, so I'll have more time to drop in here. I miss y'all.
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@Molpet I'm sorry Noah went downhill so quick, but you gave him the best 4 months that anyone could. He was loved and he loved y'all as well. I'm glad he found you. :hugs

School is out for me till Monday. I'm retaking my math class and taking human anatomy and physiology part 2, so I'll have more time to drop in here. I miss y'all.
Miss you too

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