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  1. sparkles2307

    Getting a Narragansett Trio at POL!

    Yay! Just had to share. I'm so excited, I've been looking for Narri's in my area for 3 years and FOUND some!
  2. sparkles2307

    Buff Brahma Hatching Eggs

    I'm looking for Buff Brahma hatching eggs. Does anyone have any available? Thanks!
  3. sparkles2307

    Did anyone pre-order the new Kim Harrison book yet?

    The next Hollows installment will be out in Feb! "A Perfect Blood". I'm stoked!
  4. sparkles2307

    Scots Dumpy?

    Does anyone raise this breed?
  5. sparkles2307

    Best/worst White Elephant Gift

    What is the best (or worst) White Elephant Gift you've seen/given/recieved? My parents got a set of encyclopedia's from the '70's. I loved those things.
  6. sparkles2307

    Bah Humbug!

    They have Christmas Trees up in Walmart. Whatever happened to Thanksgiving??? Lame.
  7. sparkles2307

    Supper Table Insights

    My youngest told me in a very serious tone the other night "Mom. We need to get Emma a dad dog quickly so she can lay some babies." What a pearl.
  8. sparkles2307


    I recieved a bottle of gingergrass essential oil as a thank you for singing in a wedding.... and I know what it is used for, but I don't know HOW I'm suposed to use it. Topically? Internally? Inhaled? If I were using it for DS#2's eczema would I put it right on the skin? If using for acne...
  9. sparkles2307

    Peach Butter

    Hey hey my compadres! I was freezer cleaning and found 3 big freezer bags of sliced peaches that I need to use up! How can I make easy peach butter? I "think" they are peeled but I cant remember if I peeled them or not....
  10. sparkles2307

    Inspections by customers

    There are guys that DH works with who ask for eggs. I never ever just send eggs with DH, the guys have want them. So, I delivered eggs the other day after having been requested. The guy pays me then says "hold on now..." opens the carton and starts lifting the eggs out one by one...
  11. sparkles2307

    Out of town for ten days

    We'll be out of town for a wedding for ten days in June... jsut when egg laying gets into full swing. I'll be getting 40-50 eggs a day. I'm not sure what to offer someone to take care of the egg situation while we're gone. In the summer we dont feed or water, since the chooks free range 100%...
  12. sparkles2307

    CRAP-broodies sharing a huge clutch and its 20 degrees out!

    So, two hens snuck and hid a clutch of about 25 eggs from me till I just discovered them NOW. I candeled a few and it looks like they are pretty close (within days) to hatching. Its winter in MINNESOTA, what am I going to do!?! Do you think the hens can keep the babies warm if I put them in...
  13. sparkles2307

    November 18th and no snow :)

    I feel this is a record to celebrate, in the frozen north of Minnesota November 18th, and there are like, 2 snowflakes instead of 2 ft of them!!! Usually theres a blizzard on Halloween, so this is amazing! Thats all, just wanted to share my jubilationw ith you all. Some, like...
  14. sparkles2307

    "Field Dressing"

    ...put one foot on each wing, snug to the body, and give the feet a good hard pull.... it sounds terrible to me, but they swear by it. Anyone ever use this method? I guess the breasts stay with the wings and skin, and the innards stay in the carcass. THen you just cut out the breasts...
  15. sparkles2307

    Getting ready for deer hunting

    Opener is November 6th, for rifle, its already open for bow. DH and BIL got my ground blind into place 2 weekends ago. Thought I would share some pics of the fall colors and the prep we've been doing. Tracks by my blind my blind, in relation to the above tracks DS1 trying out Uncle's new...
  16. sparkles2307

    Wheel of Fortune called me for an Audition

    This spring, the "Wheel-Mobile" came thru our neck of the woods. I can't remember how many thousands of ppl went to hopefully get their names drawn from a hat and play a mock-round. I went with my mom, she told me that she watned to go but turned out she wanted ME to go, and I got drawn. They...
  17. sparkles2307

    Kids say the darndest....

    DS2 is 5-1/2 and informed me last night.... "Mom, I know Emma (the dachshund) is gonna lay some babies, cause shes a GIRL." Too many chickens I think.
  18. sparkles2307

    A guid to raising Turkey's in India

    From Laree to the BYC community, she tought you'd all get a chuckle out of the bad grammar and horrible misspellings
  19. sparkles2307

    Welsummer Hen has eye shut

    I have a wellie hen who has spent the last week alone in the coop on the roost. She has one eye shut, and looks like shes molting. She really comes to life if I try to get close enough to get a good look. I did catch her once over the weekend and gave her a good going over. Her comb and face...
  20. sparkles2307

    DH and the Guineas

    DH doesnt like my guineas. Chickens are too noisy for him, can you imagine how he handles guineas? So, I told him that I got the guineas for bug control and that I wanted them to roam the garden. They are 5 months old and FINALLY found the garden last night. So what does Dh do? Freaks out...
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