Search results for query: *

  1. StelleKitten

    Possible shrink wrapped chick?

    So far seven of my chicks have hatched beautifully but the next few seem to be stuck. There are eight where the outside membrane is not attached to the inside membrane. They are all resting right now after pipping but I am worried. Is there anything I can do to help? I've added extra paper...
  2. StelleKitten

    Christmas Hatch

    I've never hatched before and I got an incubator for my birthday present. I thought a Christmas hatch would be fun. Kind of like opening a bunch of gifts all at once. I'll be setting rhode island reds and one egg from hen that died in a dog attack. It may be too old but we will see.
  3. StelleKitten

    Bantam Pullet walking strangely please help video posted

    I was gone for therapy and my mother in law was chicken sitting for the three days I was gone. She said everything was fine but something happened to one of my bantams. I don't know what happened but this is how she has been walking and I just can't figure it out. She is eating fine but her...
  4. StelleKitten

    Assorted Bantams, Sex and Breed are unknown on most of them

    A friend of mine left me a box of banties on my porch. She said she got them because they looked like they needed a home and decided mine was it. So I tracked it down and it appears they come from Ideal. Their pictures are horrible so could you please help me figure out what the heck these...
  5. StelleKitten

    Donkeys! A quick question!

    I will soon be in charge of two donkeys. I don't have a clue what breeds of donkey (are there different breeds?). I know one is 18 and the other is 4. The jack is 18 the jenny is 4. I think the male has been fixed (what do you call that for donkeys?). I do know the previous owner uses...
  6. StelleKitten

    Not an emergency! Just a question that woud fall under cure if it works.

    Can chickens burp? A cure for yeast infections for my family has been to do a baking soda rinse if the vinegar didn't work. Could you use baking soda on your chicken without causing it to explode? I'm sure this is a really stupid question but I don't know the answer and when I type it on...
  7. StelleKitten

    Chip What breed is this?

    I tried this once before and got the answer brown leghorn. I have a brown leghorn and this guy is nothing like him. Stockier build, thicker (WAY) legs, wider stance. I keep calling it a he because it just seems like a boy. Even though it's comb isn't as developed as one of the other chicks...
  8. StelleKitten

    What am I besides a chunky butt?

    I am putting on weight at an alarming pace! I have already dwarfed the other two I came with. On March 22nd I weighed 2 oz, today I weigh 6 oz. The other two only weigh in at 3 oz this week. We were all the same size on day one. ETA This is my March 22nd pic. I was told I came from Ideal...
  9. StelleKitten

    ARG! Noisy Turkey Poult

    I can't figure it out. I have one little poult that just can't be quiet. I have three of them. I've checked the temperature (they seem fine, sometimes under the lamp sometimes not), food, water (made sure to put sparkly marbles in it), and checked for injuries. No injuries that I can find...
  10. StelleKitten

    What is Rascal?

    He's 6 months old. I got him from an assorted heavies straight run bin.
  11. StelleKitten

    Sorting out the ads

    I was wondering if there is feature that lets you sort out the classifieds by the area. That would make it so much easier to find out who I would like to buy from if I could choose an option that lets you sort by radius or even state (though Tx would likely need to be divided up so that it...
  12. StelleKitten

    splayed leg chick

    I got convinced to take this sick chicken, he had one leg that sticks straight out. I am using three band aid method and it sort of works. How long before i can expect results and is it normal for the chick to be half the size of the other ones? I will be posting a video shortly, I'm using my...
  13. StelleKitten

    Skinny Chickens

    Okay, I'm tired of trying to figure this one out alone. I have 5 adult chickens. 1 Bantam White Cochin Roo (he was nearly bald when we got him, so not sure of his age) 1 Bantam Wellsummer Hen (she is three or four) 1 Barred Rock Hen (6 months old, from a random asst at TSC) 1 Black...
  14. StelleKitten

    What is this noise he is making?

    My rooster started making this noise today. I was in the chicken coop with the hens and he was on yard roam (I allow the roos to roam but not the hens as much, we have huge hawks and I wouldn't mind the loss of the roo as much). He was making that noise and just within 15 or so minutes my...
  15. StelleKitten

    What breed are these two?

    I got these two from TSC (and they got them from Ideal) I have another thread where I am trying to figure out who fatty is but these two are also in question. This is Spotted Butt And this one is Rascal (Just figured out how to do those links! Yay!) And pretty please don't listen to...
  16. StelleKitten

    Ameraucana Chicks, what color would this be?

    I was wondering what color these would be and would they be considered EE's or not. I got these birds from our feed store here in town and he got them from Ideal Poultry.
  17. StelleKitten


    I dont know how to take down a classified.
  18. StelleKitten

    Bantam White Cochin Rooster - TX

    I have a beautiful Bantam White Cochin Rooster in need of a new home. We live in Walnut Springs but will deliver him to anyone within a 25 mile radius of Walnut Springs, Glen Rose, Cleburne, or Burleson. Heck we will even meet somewhere near one of those towns to give him to you. He is 3...
  19. StelleKitten

    What is the Fatty chicken?

    I got three chicks out of a bargain bin last fall. And I can sort of guess at the other two. They have some colors but this bird has baffled me. We call her Fatty because she/he? is the largest of all. I'll post a pic tuesday after I take a more recent one. But she is all black. Solid. No...
  20. StelleKitten

    Kittens with upset tummy.

    ...the parts to our couch, but not on my carpet) Any suggestions? I would love to be able to let them out of the box but the baby with the runny poo has to stay near the litter box or we have accidents. (running cat ***** from wherever she was to the litter box....) Thanks for any suggestions.
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