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  1. 4 Love of Baby Chickens

    Chicks due on 4 - 17 - 13!

    The reason why they are due on that day is because I am setting 8 eggs tomorrow night under one of my black sexlink hens, Feather. Gonna be setting 6 RIR eggs and 2 Silkie eggs under her. I am excitd to have some pretty litte Silkie and Rhode Island Red chicks running around here soon with...
  2. 4 Love of Baby Chickens


    What will a Bearded Buff Silkie rooster give......... When crossed with a white Non Beared Silkie hen? I am not sure if I want more than 3 roosters. I am going to get a good white silkie rooster for Princess sometime in the next 6 weeks. Gotta wait for my finacial aid to come first! If it...
  3. 4 Love of Baby Chickens


    Okay, I left with my college group on May 31st, 2012. We were working all summer long at Dollywood. A week later, my chickens quit laying on my parents, June 6th, 2012. I figured that they missed me, but I have been back for over 5 months, And they STILL have not started up again! This is crazy...
  4. 4 Love of Baby Chickens

    The "Fluff Bunch"

    Hello, and welcome to my home! My name is Sunset but you can me Sunny. I am the most handsome Buff Silkie Rooster in the world. I won 1st place in the fair. Doesn't it prove it? These are my girls, Ms B and Snowball. Aren't they beauties? And last but not least...... Meet Princess Snow...
  5. 4 Love of Baby Chickens

    Mille Fleur pictures wanted!

    I just bought one on Jan 3, 2012. I want to see more pretty pictures of this breed. I named her Mille instead of Milly. But I would prefer to be unique with her name. So if have some other names please feel free to post them!
  6. 4 Love of Baby Chickens

    How many bags of shavings?

    I have a 10' by 20' coop for 19 chickens. I winterized the run with 2 sheets of 7 mil plastic. It feels so much warmer in there. I still need to cover the top part of the coop with plastic to keep the blowing snow, rain, and wind out. After that I am gonna try the DLM. But how many bags of...
  7. 4 Love of Baby Chickens

    Where do I buy 2" by 4" wire and Hardware cloth.............

    for a good price? I am only getting $140 a week at my job. I am planning on making at least 3 breeding/broody pens inside this 8' by 10' stall inside my coop. It used to be my chicken coop until we made a safer coop. + it will be a better and warmer place for my chickens to roost in the...
  8. 4 Love of Baby Chickens

    Where do I buy 2" by 4" wire and Hardware cloth.............

    for a good price? I am only getting $140 a week at my job. I am planning on making at least 3 breeding/broody pens inside this 8' by 10' stall inside my coop. It used to be my chicken coop until we made a safer coop. + it will be a better and warmer place for my chickens to roost in the...
  9. 4 Love of Baby Chickens

    Sexy roo O.o

    Okay I adore my RIR cockeral whom my father dubbed Col. Sanders but............... He's being a little to sexy for me. I chased him off the back porch 'cause my parents hates the chickens pooping on the porch. He turned around and started doing his little dance around me. I admit I am rather...
  10. 4 Love of Baby Chickens

    What eats Golf balls?

    Okay I know my chickens are molting except my young pullets and cockerals. But I should be getting 2 eggs a day. I've been lucky if I get 1 every other day. Now my 2 Golf Balls have gone missing! I'm thinking the 3' Black Snake I've been seeing around the barn is the culprit. How do I prevent...
  11. 4 Love of Baby Chickens

    Please pet me!!!!!!!! And give me treats!!!!

    ...around but Koda ran him off yelping his stub tail off. He lives 1 MILE AWAY! His owner demanded that if I saw his dog to call him. But should I? *needs advice here* And last saturday a dog named Gabby and her 2 year old pups came up into my yard. They were just sniffing around but 1 of...
  12. 4 Love of Baby Chickens

    I'm happy but a little sad

    My father finally relented to letting me free-range my chickens. I let them out on Saturday morning. But on Sunday after I woke up from my nap around 7 pm I shooed them back into their coop. 2 cockerals and a BR pullet dissapeared. I'm wondering what got them? Hawk maybe? But no feathers. And...
  13. 4 Love of Baby Chickens

    The Fair is coming!

    I can't wait! On August 8th I'm gonna be bathing 8 chickens in our bathtub. I'll get some pictures of them then. Then on the 9th I'll be entering 'em. On the 10th I'll find out if they won any ribbons and money. When is ya'lls fair coming to town? I'm curious.
  14. 4 Love of Baby Chickens

    Friend of mine needs help! Dog problem and neighbors being IDIOTS!

    "AGHHHHHHHHH! Stinking neighbors dog is killing our chickens and they think it's funny! UGH! Why can't they keep their own dogs on THEIR own property! I have called. they are supposed to be leashed and in their own yard but by the time they show up if the dogs gone or they've come and taken...
  15. 4 Love of Baby Chickens

    *Smiles Shyly and Hides*

    Because I got caught up in the Silkie movement to take over the world. My little 3 1/2 week old white Silkie chick Snowball. I her but she sure is messing up my mind. Go ahead and slap me.
  16. 4 Love of Baby Chickens

    *Shrieks in delight*

    I got my chicks today!!!! I was at TSC at 8:32 AM waiting for the chicks to come in from the post office. I could hear them cheeping as soon as the employee came into the door. And since I was the first customer waiting for chicks I got the pick of the hatch. I bought................ 3...
  17. 4 Love of Baby Chickens

    What do SLW's look like as chicks?

    Hey I am buying 9 to 10 chicks tomorrow after work at TSC. I am planning on buying 4 RIR & 4 BR chicks + 1 or 2 other chicks. I need a picture/s of what SLW chicks look like as chicks.
  18. 4 Love of Baby Chickens

    Chicks coming to TSC next week!

    And one of my Barred Rock hens (Pepper) just went broody today! So sometime next week I'll probably have 6 to 12 chicks under Ms. Pepper!
  19. 4 Love of Baby Chickens

    Rhode Island Red x ??? = Red Sexlinks

    Okay I breed purebred Rhode Island Red's and Black Sexlinks. I'd like to start breeding Red Sexlinks as well. What breed crossed with the RIR creates the RSL? Currently I have 3 BR's (all hens) & 5 RIR's (4 hens & 1 roo). I'd like to add at least 3 to 6 of whatever the breed is that you cross...
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