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  1. naightengale

    best/easyest homemade mixes for meat birds??

    ok so ive seen lots and lots of "this breed is great"..."no this breed is best"... "this cross is best" for a self sustaining flock of meat birds. (i am NOT going to order chicks to kill them in 8 weeks!!) which breed is best..or which breeds are best to mix... ive herd lots of reviews on the...
  2. naightengale

    the 10,000th sick chicken thread

    ok so i know there are alot of "my chickens are sick plz help" threads out there.. and i have been reading them all... what i would like here is a personal blunt answer i have lost 7 of my chickens so far another 17 at least are sick... we are at out wits end with trying to figure out whats...
  3. naightengale

    gifted mystery eggs

    ok so my husbands aunt gave us a doz eggs from her chickens to hatch.. (no i didnt see the hens but were told they were RIR) the eggs were a manella color. and the chicks that have hatched are all golden yellow... RIR?? or what breeds lay manella eggs and have golden chicks?? here is a chick...
  4. naightengale

    my poor chickens are sick

    my poor babies are dying... lost 3 already one more fading fast. theres 3 more showing signs and i think the rest will follow. is there any thing i can do?? puffy watery eyes, diarea, sneezing and wheezing. some are worse than others and not every body has all the sympotoms. gave them...
  5. naightengale


    ok so hubby brought home phesants and we have to build them an aviery... and i was digging around and saw some people would put diff types of birds in their aviery together... and we had wanted to get ducks too eventually so my question is....what diff birds can we house together in one big...
  6. naightengale

    Melanistic mutant pheasants???

    ok so my husband brought home what is suppost to be a pair no pics as of yet ill have to get some they are very "dont come near me" and so hide from the camera... what i would like to know though might not need pics so here goes they were kept in a too small cage with more pairs, and have lost...
  7. naightengale

    new roosters,help me pick the best ones..

    theres 1 blue laced red wayonette,(will prob keep him since hes the only one) and the rest are suppost to be black copper marans....some are young some are 2yo. i also have some chicks that i think are roos (FBCM) that have the feathered feet. should i hold out for them to get bigger or keep the...
  8. naightengale

    creating sexlink chicks

    ok so if i want to breed/hatch/raise LAYING hens..but dont want to use up all that extra feed on growing out a bunch of roos (when we could sell them or eat them) how can i breed a good layer that will be sexable at hatch?? i know a few of the crosses but would like to make sure my reserch is...
  9. naightengale

    sexing polish chicks??

    im wanting to buy some white crested black polish hens to go with my roo....i know a woman who has can i tell which ones are the females so i dont bring my roo home a bunch of baby brothers.... i dont know how old the chicks are...she just said chicks...
  10. naightengale

    incubator brain fried!!

    ok so i have been doing 24/7 reserch on incubating my eggs so i know everything i possibly ive done sooo much reserch that now i cant remember what i learned in the right order lol soooo ventilation all open or all closed during lockdown??? im trying to get my secondary bator set...
  11. naightengale

    bumping up a thermostat???

    ok so im trying to build a second incubator. and would like to be able to use a thermostat i have to regulate the temp.. it is a furnance thermostat. i hooked it up and turned it up to the highst it would go im only geting 97deg out of it.. is there a way to bump this up a bit...
  12. naightengale

    whos the daddy???

    ok so i have 3 silkie hens.. they had been in with my brown leghorn and were fertile by him.. we finally got a silkie roo the other day..and he has now bred with them... now whos the daddy??? will there be a chance at either???
  13. naightengale

    slow molt or somebody pulling feathers??

    ok so my 3 hens who had been giving me at least one egg a day each some times 2. have desided to stop laying.. (unknown age bought as laying age hens) sexlinks....they dont apper to be less any feathers but there are feathers everywhere in the coop. (there are other chickens in there too) could...
  14. naightengale

    differances between incubator and hatcher??

    ok so ive been reading alot of posts on here and have desided to take the advice of several people on here and use a seperate bator for a hatcher... since my bator is home made i will be building the hatcher as well. what differances do i need to intagrate?? im thinking more veiwing windows...
  15. naightengale

    what to do with infertile eggs after 5days in bator??

    ok so i did my day 5 candle last night and pulled the infertile ones. toss them or feed to animals??
  16. naightengale

    bought these as a standard size welsummer pair..1.5 to 2 mo were we duuped??

    the roo the pullet any comparison pics of welsummer chicks 2mo would be welcome plzzzzzzz.
  17. naightengale

    what breed/s is this

    it came with a silkie mama hen.. but is it a silkie??
  18. naightengale

    best thermostat for home made incubator??

    im currently useing a hot water heater stat and its keeping my bator between 95% and 101% at egg level.... but i see every one else says they are maintained at 99... is it my thermo stat or my bator ......99.9% junk pile home made "junkubator" only thing bought was the thermostat as i didnt...
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