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  1. jenni2142

    Serama with mystery non emergency condition

    I did try the vitamins in the water and they did not help. The vit E w/ sel sits on the water so the babies eat it up before she does. Today is day 4 (again) she seems completely normal but am going to give her longer. Does anyone know if Seramas are known for having these problems?
  2. jenni2142

    Serama with mystery non emergency condition

    Sophie is my Serama housechicken, she will be 1 yr old in october. She became broody in June so I ordered her some eggs and she say until mid July, hatching 3. A few weeks ago she seemed off, not eating or drinking much. I thought she acted like she had something stuck in her throat. I treated...
  3. jenni2142

    Do It Yourself Bumblefoot Surgery..........Input please.

    I have tried doing surgery, found it too stressful on them and me. Last two times, 2 different birds, I used the tricide neo. Is for fish. you must mix it with distilled water or it will not work. I soaked 2 times a day for about 10 min, used the same water all week. Cleared it right up with no...
  4. jenni2142

    Broody suddenly lost vision in one eye

    I have a broody serema in my living room. She is about 8 months old, I have only had her about 1 month. Been broody about 1 week. She has been just fine until this afternoon when she started pecking about 1 inch above her food. I noticed one pupil is fully open and does not react to light. She...
  5. jenni2142

    sub q fluids

    I have a 1 1/2 yr old rooster that has a throat infection. his throat is very swollen and he cannot eat or drink. He was at the vet yesterday and got steroid shot and antibiotics. He has gotten dehydrated and I want to give him sub q fluids but my vet is closed today and no one will sell me the...
  6. jenni2142

    I'd love to hear about your house chickens!

    I have a sebright inside for the past 2 years. She stays in a rabbit cage at night and roams the house most of the day while someone is home. She is an unusual chicken in that she HATES chickens. She was part of a trio at one time but since they died she will not accept another bird. She likes...
  7. jenni2142

    HELP! Bumblefoot on hen!

    The tri-cide-neo is really the easiest treatment and does work. The last time I used it I had lost my directions but soaked twice a day for 10 minutes and for 1 week. I did wrap the foot in just vetwrap to keep clean but that is it. I did not do anything else other that pull off the scab at day...
  8. jenni2142

    Rescued quail from my standards, uninjured but need help!

    I did have him in a small cage and was giving him a mix of chick starter and the game bird feed that I use as scratch. He only had a small wound on his face that quickly stopped bleeding and the rest was feather loss. He escaped last night and flew away, well to the property line. This evening...
  9. jenni2142

    Rescued quail from my standards, uninjured but need help!

    The day before yesterday I heard my chickens making a big fuss and when I checked there was this strange little bird walking through their run. I ran in and shooed it out before they could hurt it. It wondered off into the woods and came back later in the day. It stayed out of their run so I...
  10. Default


  11. jenni2142

    Why did she do that???

    I have some molting right now and they don't like to be petted when they are molting. They seem to be a bit tender until the new feathers are all the way in.
  12. jenni2142

    beard picking?

    This is more a behavior question than anything so hopefully I am in the right place. I have a group of 11 LF ladies with one banty roo. 5 of my ladies are bearded and muffed EE's, 3 are without their beards. Someone is picking but I am not sure who or what to do. They have a large elevated coop...
  13. jenni2142

    She's my baby! I don't wanna kill her, but I wanna do what's right...

    As far as keeping a bantam in your room it is not as bad as you would think. My son, about your age, keeps a sebright hen in his room. She is about 4 years old now, we have had her for 3. She is special needs in a different way, she has severe vent gleet that will NOT go away. vet is stumped but...
  14. jenni2142

    Just curious? Who names all their chickens and who doesn't?

    Quote: They do come when called and obey simple commands most of the time. I have one bantam that when told it is bedtime will go from his run to the barn, about 20 feet, complaining the ENTIRE way but goes where I want him. I have 40 and all have a name as well as using general calls...
  15. jenni2142

    It's all my husbands fault.....

    With those black legs and beak I vote Aussie too. They are very pretty all grown up.
  16. jenni2142

    First predator Kill on my bird's

    You need to double check the leash law. I am always amazed at how many who have a dog leash law don't know that it often applies to cats. Just because it is hard to contain the cat or follow the law is NO excuse not to follow it. It is a very sore subject for me that the complete lack of pet...
  17. jenni2142

    South Carolina meet-up and chicken swap

    Forecast says rain, will it still happen in the rain?
  18. jenni2142

    There has been a settle on the dog attack incident! Updates on page 2

    I would ask for the loss of the sq bird, if you may not be able to show her again and more if she was to be breeding stock. Maybe check another site to guess her value. At least $30 for the laying hen, that's what they go for on craig's list here. I would also insist that the dog be taken care...
  19. jenni2142

    I dropped the baby!

    Silkies are fragile with their vaulted skull and at 2 weeks there is not enough wing to slow down anything. There are some on here that have treated silkie head injuries maybe do a search. Good luck and I hope your little one makes it.
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