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  1. Webbigail

    Rescued a mallard, what should I do?

    Someone came to my house saying they saw a duck walking down the street and thought it was one of mine. It wasn't but I went to check it out anyway. I saw this tiny female mallard and a couple teenagers keeping her away from the neighborhood cats. She seemed pretty tame when I went up to her. I...
  2. Webbigail

    Tail Feather

    My Cayuga drake JUST got his literally 2 days ago. He was born at the end of March so he's almost 4 months. With my other drake it took him just about 6 months to finally get his.
  3. Webbigail

    New babies! One likes to climb on me while I'm sleeping.

    Peepers on the left and Jello Puddin' Pop on the right. Jello trying to cuddle. <3 The babies cuddling up with the kitty. This is about how big they are now. I'm trying to figure out a way to introduce them to the other two that I have (the drake is super aggressive). So until then...
  4. Webbigail

    Pink pumpkin thing attached to navel of duckling... what is it?

    Thank you. <3 The temp was pretty steady at 99.5 I didn't mess with the temp during the hatch cause the incubator instructions said not to. What about the brown/green slime attached to the egg and the baby? She keeps trying to push that off.
  5. Webbigail

    Pink pumpkin thing attached to navel of duckling... what is it?

    She hatched on her own. Pipped two nights ago and then hatched this morning. She's 4 days over due, should there still be that much of a yolk sac? The humidity is up and shes stayed in the incubator the entire time. Is there a chance for her surviving?
  6. Webbigail

    Pink pumpkin thing attached to navel of duckling... what is it?

    Thanks everyone. Hopefully it's something that can be absorbed or fixed or something so the baby doesn't die.
  7. Webbigail

    Pink pumpkin thing attached to navel of duckling... what is it?

    Shes healthy otherwise. Kicking around, breathing normally, peeping... She just hatched this morning and part of what looks like the yolk sack is still attached along with this pink pumpkin looking thing. Any thoughts?
  8. Webbigail

    When ducklings hatch what does the umbilical cord look like?

    Shes in an incubator but it looks like a little pink pumpkin is attached to the cord. Along with what I can only guess is part of the yolk sack.
  9. Webbigail

    When ducklings hatch what does the umbilical cord look like?

    Cause it looks like mine still has hers attached.
  10. Webbigail

    Baby finally pipped... *Update* 25 hours later w/ pic.

    Thanks for everyone's responses. Mine's 3 days over due so I'm like freaking out a little... like pacing back and forth in front of the bator. This is as far as he's gotten 25 hours after he first pipped. He's still moving around. I just wanna make sure this is normal.
  11. Webbigail

    Baby finally pipped... *Update* 25 hours later w/ pic.

    Help please? It's my first hatch so I'm worried something is gonna go wrong.
  12. Webbigail

    If it was hatch day and there was no pip... what would you do?

    Thank you everyone! Lol, I'm seriously walking away now. I just found myself falling asleep watching the egg.
  13. Webbigail

    If it was hatch day and there was no pip... what would you do?

    I'm just anxious I guess... and worried. It's my first hatch and I'm a nervous wreck.
  14. Webbigail

    If it was hatch day and there was no pip... what would you do?

    I can see the baby moving around inside but no pip yet... Should I help? How long after internally pipping can babies last?
  15. Webbigail

    I'm going crazy. It's Day 28 and no pip yet...

    Cayuga's. So, I know it takes 28 days. They've internally pipped which is good. My temp and humidity were spot on as far as I can tell. There's no noise except for the occasional *thud* of an egg hitting the side of the incubator.
  16. Webbigail

    I'm going crazy. It's Day 28 and no pip yet...

    The eggs are wiggling around but no pip! Should I start worrying?
  17. Webbigail

    Cayuga Duck Eggs

    I ended up driving 6 hours to and from the hatchery out here to get my Cayugas. The hatchery had a 10 duckling minimum to ship and I only wanted 2. So maybe if you call a local hatchery you can make arrangements to pick up just one?
  18. Webbigail

    My drake keeps charging me is this normal?

    But I miss my lil boy that would sit on my lap and give me kisses. Now he's this big mean drake. *Edit* I've been picking him up and trying to calm him down but it doesn't seem to work. As soon as I put him down and turn around to leave he's right on my heels again. I guess I'll just have to...
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