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  1. Oramman87

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Here is a couple of my I call them mutts my broody hens hatched out this year. This is I believe my Phoenix roo with my old English bantam hen. This little guy runs the yard. I think this little guy is a sebright mix not quite sure.
  2. Oramman87

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Sounds like a plan dm. I got a deal on a rabbit hutch/coop I love those buy sell and trade Facebook sites lol. 50 bucks I couldent of built it for that much. Now just to build a run off the side of it.
  3. Oramman87

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I am off the 13th.
  4. Oramman87

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I haven't mastered my incubator yet otherwise I would take the eggs. Just let me know what day my days off have been weird here latley a lot of people taking vacations at work. I have 4 hens and a ton of Roos.
  5. Oramman87

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    His comb is straight but the others is rosed That sounds like a plan I have to count how many hens I have left if that's all you want. I just want reg guineas too eat the bugs.
  6. Oramman87

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    got three of these big guys from my wife's coworker. And another rooster I have to go pick up this week that at least weighs 13 pounds. Still on the hunt for guineas and peacocks.
  7. Oramman87

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Normal me would of taken out the dog by now but my wife works for the state and that's just makes a good news story so I have been trying to be politically correct in this situation. But it has gotten to the point of I am fed up. Noon sounds fine I am gonna be around all day I have to mow and...
  8. Oramman87

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    In the last week and a half I have lost 15-20 birds cause of that dog. I can't catch it. My wife has seen it attacking them and I have once. I don't wanna kill it but I haven't seen my neighbor to talk to him. I found my female guinea yesterday and walked over to his house and beat on the...
  9. Oramman87

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I don't wanna wait to long on those eggs I didn't find the nest till yesterday. I don't know how long they have been there.
  10. Oramman87

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I am off tomorrow she hid a nest by the garage. There is probably 10-20 eggs Most of those silkies are Roos, so I think we can let a couple go they do have great personalities though. Kinda like chicken dogs lol.
  11. Oramman87

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I am taking a good chunk of my sebrights to auction sat at the lewisburg one I have {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 HelveticaNeue;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red34\green34\blue34;} \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\qc\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs26 \cf2...
  12. Oramman87

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I am glad you told me that I was gonna go up sat to get more guineas. I think I am just gonna go to the auction now...
  13. Oramman87

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Dmrippy that's the duck man I was telling you about I only have two guineas And what a difference in the ticks and bugs I have this year.
  14. Oramman87

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    That's fine I still have your two hens with my keepers.
  15. Oramman87

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    So I have to have a blow out sale on my sebrights. I have to rebuild my tractor and need room in my garage. I am gonna take whatever is left to auction on sat. But I wanted to offer my chicken friends a deal first I will do trios for 25. Roos for 5 and pullets for 10. I will do some trading on...
  16. Oramman87

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I have a ton of silver sebrights. Willing to trade for guineas or even a billy goat or lgd. One group is almost 11 weeks old the other is 8 weeks old, pm me if intrested.
  17. Oramman87

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Yes I def have a herd of them but they are beautiful.
  18. Oramman87

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    She will get more whit the older she gets. I have 23 that are 10 or 11 weeks and they are filling in more, the the 40 something that are only 8 weeks old.
  19. Oramman87

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    The second one is def a silver sebright pullet. If you need a roo let me know I have about 65 silver sebrights right now.
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