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  1. blusbro

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Another one from Louise, the Leghorn. This time it was in the middle of the run!! I’ve been looking all over the coop and run for any hidden treasures, but the other four hens are not ready, I suppose.
  2. blusbro

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    We got our first egg yesterday and another today!!! The 5 we have are 20 weeks old, leghorn, RIR, Americauna (or Easter egger, idk), amber link and ISA brown. The two eggs are white, so I’m guessing this was the work of Louise the leghorn.
  3. blusbro

    What to do with rooster

    They are going to go into the coop tonight! I have a plan! Now we will see how our chicken friends play along. :th
  4. blusbro

    What to do with rooster

    All I have to do with the coop is get the run covered and get the food set up and we are ready to go. Well see what happens then. Thanks all for the insight.
  5. blusbro

    What to do with rooster

    I’m guessing so. I put a picture up on here about a week ago asking whether or not this chicken is a roo or hen. I’d link that thread but would end up screwing it up somehow!!
  6. blusbro

    What to do with rooster

    He’s hopping all over the place, chasing them around and pecking at them. The others try to get up higher and he jumps at them. It just looks strange!!!
  7. blusbro

    What to do with rooster

    Soo I guess I have a rooster. He is making life miserable for the girls. They are seven weeks old now. I have contacted someone from Craigslist about taking him but I am getting anxious about waiting for a reply. Can the rooster hurt the girls? I don’t really have any kind of setup for...
  8. blusbro

    Easter egger boy or girl?

    Oh man... i was wishing we could go 6 for 6. Well, here's hoping for the rest of the hens to be... hens. Guess I have to figure out what to do with the new mister.
  9. blusbro

    Easter egger boy or girl?

    I’m honestly not sure if I uploaded the pics corrrectly, but here goes. Bought this gal, along with 5 other chicks at a week old. They are six weeks old now. This one is the biggest and she’s starting to show red in the comb. Think we got a future rooster?
  10. blusbro

    Three week old chicks-how much room?

    We have six chicks in a standard size pack and play pen in the house. They all seem very happy and healthy! Today, one of them had torn a piece of newspaper from the bottom and they were all chasing the chick around. Another would grab the piece of paper and the chase was on again! So my...
  11. blusbro


    Hi all! All my plans are coming together. Making a coop out of pallets and a run that will have a raised bed garden box or two on it. Buying chicks here in a week or two. Trying to suss out the best brooder option. It’s still pretty cold here (as I’m sure you know), so I’m thinking about the...
  12. blusbro

    2019 Newbie Chat!

    I’ve been here for not quite a year doing lots of research on how to do things right. I have my plan for a cool all set to go, just need some agreeable weather to get it done! Now I’m looking into how to do a brooder box. Lots of great ideas on here! I don’t think I can get away with having...
  13. blusbro

    Coop Site Questions

    That is an accurate reprensentation of what I have seen out there. Maybe a few other kinds as well. Some viney crap as well. Every so often this 1/2" thick vine grows from the ground and has tons and tons of black thorns on it. Scary looking, and what a pain to get rid of.
  14. blusbro

    Coop Site Questions

    They ranged anywhere from 1" to a couple being a good 4-5" in diameter. Right now they are level with the ground. I might try something I read and then use some household paint over the exposed part of the stump.
  15. blusbro

    Coop Site Questions

    The place I am considering building my coop and run is a small section of the yard that is up against the neighbor's (my parents) garage. It is a very overgrown area that grows those "weed trees". Last fall I cut them down to the ground, but they will come right back up I figure. Has anybody...
  16. blusbro


    Is there anyone in the Central Illinois area that have some spare chicks? The Tractor Supply Stores around here are done with them for the year, apparently. I wanted to get 4 future egg layers. Had plans all ready to start building a coop and everything!
  17. blusbro

    Any idea what kind of chick? From Tractor Supply

    I waited too long. All of the Tractor Supply Company stores around me are sold out.
  18. blusbro

    Hi from Central Illinois!

    I've been interested in having a few backyard chickens for a while. Where I live, it's not *exactly* legal, but I've spoken to one of my neighbors who used to be on the board about the code here. He said that a guy wanted to see about getting it changed, but it kind of fizzed out when it was...
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