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  1. threadgeek

    California - Northern

    We have this one and are happy with it: It takes video or still shots. I'm very sorry about your hen. :( I lost my favorite hen last week to a bobcat, he ran right by me to snatch her up... and she was about 25 ft away. Its...
  2. threadgeek

    California - Northern

    That is so scary! What was the door construction like? I'm picturing something like a big-foot tearing off my coop door... speaking of which, something keeps trying to dig into my coop at night and its a good thing I have mesh all along the bottom. We have a motion activated camera that I...
  3. threadgeek

    California - Northern

    Oi, I'm gone for 4 weeks and missed over 1300 posts! I'm never going to catch up! I hope everyone's chickens are well. I came back to find the now 18 week babies had grown substantially and some of the boys were crowing! Luckily someone took 4 of the boys today. Speaking of which... DH...
  4. threadgeek

    California - Northern

    Welcome to BYC and to the best thread! (maybe I'm a little biased...) I was in Livermore before moving to the woods last year.
  5. threadgeek

    California - Northern

    Beautiful pictures! Your chickens must be in heaven in that grass! Bella is gorgeous but she looks a little annoyed at her paparazzi shot... I'm sorry about the other babies; at least you have other groups of fluffy butts! Not sure what's wrong with that one but am keeping my fingers crossed...
  6. threadgeek

    California - Northern

    Yeah! So glad you got UB a home!
  7. threadgeek

    California - Northern

    Picture time! I wish I had a nice camera, alas I am stuck with my cell phone for now. Most of the bunch enjoying some outside sun time. Herding these guys back into the coop was interesting... Grocery store hen - she still needs a name... any suggestions? The blue orpington roo...
  8. threadgeek

    California - Northern

    I use google calendar to set dates and alarms... its the only thing I have found to keep me from forgetting!
  9. threadgeek

    California - Northern

    I WISH I could be incubating that many eggs!!! I want to see pictures when they hatch! So Beautiful!!!
  10. threadgeek

    California - Northern

    Wow! He's a fighter for sure! Beautiful babies! Are they also Ameraucanas?
  11. threadgeek

    California - Northern

    I forgot to add tonight's picture of the babies... here are 9 of them squeezed into one next box! I like to think of it as a big pile of chickie love! I wonder how long they will keep this up... Sorry for the dark picture but the flash was washing them out.
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