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  1. Morgan7782

    Who else is waiting the impossible wait?

    My 9 month Barred Rock FINALLY laid a while ago and is laying nearly every day. HOWEVER! I have an Easter Egger who is 11 months old on the 28th of Feb, and she has not laid an egg yet... Holding out on me! LoL. Wondering if that's a record, 11 months...
  2. Morgan7782

    Who else is waiting the impossible wait?

    Ahhh 9 month mark has come and gone. My girls were 9 months on Dec 30th or 29th around there. One Barred Rock and one EE. The EE I am not too impatient with, heard they can take until 44+ weeks. But the Barred Rock? At 37 weeks? EXCUSE ME?! ::runs out to coop and pokes Joon(BR):: Look here...
  3. Morgan7782

    Who else is waiting the impossible wait?

    Well my Wyadotte finally started laying around 8 months old. But I am STILL waiting for a 36 week (9 month) old Barred Plymouth Rock and Easter Egger to begin laying.
  4. Morgan7782

    Who else is waiting the impossible wait?

    I have lost count of my Barred Rock and Easter Egger, my Mom swears they are barren lol. They are like 34 weeks, or something. Hatched around March 29th 2010. BUT My Wyandotte girl who is... 28 weeks I think, or 30, not sure on her either lol, but she finally squatted for me today!!!!!! And she...
  5. Morgan7782

    Who else is waiting the impossible wait?

    I only graduated one girl I still have FOUR others I am waiting on lol! Two 22 week old Wyandottes and a 26 week old Barred Rock, and a 26 week old Easter Egger I am by no means totally graduated lol!
  6. Morgan7782

    Who else is waiting the impossible wait?

    DUNNN DUN DUN DUUUUUUN DUUUUUUUN DUUUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUUUUUN! ::graduation song:: Just got my first egg today! Here is the thread with pictures I graduate finally! Still waiting on 4 others hehe
  7. Morgan7782

    Who else is waiting the impossible wait?

    Well while I was in class today, my mom heard the egg song from one of the coops. Not sure which one, but she thinks the one with the EE and Barred Rock who are 24 weeks old. Neither looks ready to me, but my Brahma does, so maybe it was her. But SOMEBODY SANG IT! LOL that counts for something...
  8. Morgan7782

    Who else is waiting the impossible wait?

    Easter Egger and Barred Rock 24 weeks today(ish). Two 20 week old Wyandottes. One 28 week old(ish) Brahma. NO eggs lol but the Brahma is redder and looking more mature every day. The others are still not that "mature" red. they are taking their sweet time hehe
  9. Morgan7782

    Who else is waiting the impossible wait?

    Hehe still waiting here BUT my Brahma was so much redder in the face today I thought she was bleeding! Her comb is more filled out and bright red, pictures don't do justice but here she is: This was her on September 5th: This was her today Redder?
  10. Morgan7782

    Who else is waiting the impossible wait?

    Man everybody is gunna graduate this thread before me! ::pouts:: I am gunna start shaking a clever at my chickens tomorrow morning, work up their initative a little bit hahaha.
  11. Morgan7782

    Who else is waiting the impossible wait?

    still waiting here with a 22 week old Barred Rock and Easter Egger, along with a 6 month or so Dark Brahma!
  12. Morgan7782

    Who else is waiting the impossible wait?

    One 6 month old Brahma girl and two 20/21 week old pullets. One is a Barred Rock who is getting very red in the face recently, the other is an Easter Egger who is still pale pink and not nearly as mature it seems. The Brahma is starting to get redder in the face, and now I wonder if she isn't...
  13. Morgan7782

    Who else is waiting the impossible wait?

    Alright, my Barred Rock and EE pullets are 17 weeks old this week My Brahma.. I have NO idea how old she is LOL. I was guessing 20-24 weeks, so now she would be 24-28 weeks. I dunno, but I am expecting eggs from those girls. Then I have two 13 week old Wyandottes, but they are still babies...
  14. Morgan7782

    Who else is waiting the impossible wait?

    LOL I have a 5 month old Dark Brahma and a 15 week old Barred Rock neck in neck for bets on who will lay first! I am waiting waiting waiting but nobody's face has turned red yet, still very pink.
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