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  1. TheSpiceGirls

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    Pullet. Looks like my JG when she was that age.
  2. TheSpiceGirls

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    For what ever it's worth, my JG typically has a ratty tail too. I think it's because she's SOOOO BIG, that it gets messed up when she jams herself in the 12" by 12" nest box to lay her egg. She usually preens it back into place later in the day. Your girls are not that big yet. But I wonder...
  3. TheSpiceGirls

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    My Jersey loves to be up. But not to far up. Her roost is only 12" off the ground. I also have a bunch of logs and cinder blocks which she loves to be up on. But nothing higher. She's definitely a land bird. Oh, and my roost is a 2x4 w/ the 4" side up for her to roost on.
  4. TheSpiceGirls

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    Black JG babies are the CUTEST!!! They have these adorable little white butts. Love them!
  5. TheSpiceGirls

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    I'm in the Bay Area and my girl does just fine up to 90. Then she shows open mouth breathing and holing her wings open. But she handles the heat better than my Buff Orpingtons. I do put out ice water and they've got a fan when it gets as hot as it is this week. And that helps. Egg...
  6. TheSpiceGirls

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    He's REALLY handsome. Is that a standard JG hen behind him? Cuz he HUGE compared to her.
  7. TheSpiceGirls

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    Thanks. My back does ache a bit. But with so few hens, I can deal with a quick bend to scrap if we put the dropping board a foot off the ground so that's what we'll do.
  8. TheSpiceGirls

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    I thought it was my question about roost hight that shut everyone down. I just went out to let the hens out and heard one fall off the roost. She only fell 10 inches and fell into a big pile of shavings. So I guess I need to keep the roosts super low and maybe move them closer together...
  9. TheSpiceGirls

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    Thanks. Having the poop board up that high would be awesome for my back and cleaning up. I only have 4 birds and while I may get a few more, would probably never have more than 6-7 so it really only takes a few seconds to scrap/scrap and have all the droppings fall into your bucket. But my...
  10. TheSpiceGirls

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    How high off the ground are your roosts for your JG's? I know that larger birds shouldn't roost too high. Mine are about a foot off the ground. I've got a guy coming in to re-do my roost situation and add a dropping board for easy clean up. I can put the dropping board and roosts at any...
  11. TheSpiceGirls

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    Feed stores sell spiral leg bands that slip around the birds leg. They come in different sizes so be sure you get a large size for your JG's.
  12. TheSpiceGirls

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    She's on layer ration. And a separate bowl has oyster shell, another bowl w/ grit, and when I have them, I'll put out dried/crushed egg shells for them. They get a little treat each day, either some greens, dried meal worms, oatmeal, etc. But just a little because I've had soft shelled eggs...
  13. TheSpiceGirls

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    I'm curious if anyone can shed any light on this. I have a 4.5 year old Jersey Giant hen. She just came back into lay after a really rough molt. And her eggs are kind of dried up in the shell. I crack the shell and the egg almost sticks inside the shell for a few seconds before it comes out...
  14. TheSpiceGirls

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    Thank you. I told Coco that she won and she was horrified that I shared that photo of her. She's molted harder and harder every year since I've had her. I'm kind of freaked out about next year's molt. I may have to bring her inside for a few weeks.
  15. TheSpiceGirls

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    I'm too have one JG and have a similar issue. My girl is 4 years old. She laid normal eggs up till last summer. I switched the flock over to Chick Starter as I introduced some new babies to the flock. She always had access to oyster shell and every other day I'd put out a scoop of egg shell...
  16. TheSpiceGirls

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    I have one JG in my small flock. And she's never been motivated to get up over the fence. I have 7' fences around my yard and a 3' fence that prevents her from getting into my veggie gardena and she's never even attempted to get over it. She'll stand right in front of it and bellow until I...
  17. TheSpiceGirls

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    Yea, just do a quick Google search on the dosing first. I've never given my birds aspirin. I'm allergic so I don't want them passing it in their eggs.
  18. TheSpiceGirls

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    My JG took it awful this year. Wouldn't talk and was hardly eating. And would not eat out of my hands. Which is NOT like her. I actually called my vet who prescribed pain meds for her. I know, it's crazy. I know some people have given baby aspirin to their birds. If you are open to...
  19. TheSpiceGirls

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    It's been two weeks since she started to molt and she's covered in pin feathers that have opened JUST enough so that you can hardly see any bare skin. And her regular personality has returned. YEA. I do have a heat lamp out in the run for her. She never did stand right under it. But I know...
  20. TheSpiceGirls

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    She's always been an ugly molter but this year she out did herself. I'm in CA which is fairly mild. But still mornings and evenings are quite chilly. She must be in pain because she won't come near me for me to touch her or I'd bring her in and put her in a warm corner. Oh well.
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