
  1. HuskerHens18

    What should be first?

    Long time no see, BYC! I'm going to make this post short and sweet lol. What should I treat first? Worms or coccidia? We had devastating flooding, it brought in a bunch of crap. I noticed some thinner chickens today and thought I should treat them to be safe. I have corid(liquid) and...
  2. R

    Coccidiosis prevention

    hello, my roo died this morning with what we suspected was coccidiosis...:th We were only able to get one dose of Corid in him before he died. We are planning to give the three hens the five day treatment and then put the Corid in their water for the 21 day prevention. I was wondering if you...
  3. chicksandchores

    Is this cocci?

    When it rains, it pours. It’s been raining here for three days, and my mother hen has lost three of ten babies to wet and very cold conditions (she’s still doing her best). My coop has drainage issues that I haven’t been able to address yet so it’s a mucky wet mess. While I was going outside of...
  4. mariac

    Coccidiosis - how long through treatment before no blood visible?

    I adopted 3 ex-batt hens about 3 weeks ago (they are 18 months old). They were all in a very poor state and had also had the stress of transport before I collected them. I have had them separated from the rest of my girls and have given them much TLC and good quality feed. They were all...
  5. H


    I got these quail from another breeder and it appeared they had arrived with cocci? Despite keeping them completely separate from my birds and washing my hands before going into cages, I think they caught it too. I got a hold of some Amrprolium and mixed it accurately in their water. Mixed a...
  6. SpaceLamb

    Worried about my babies

    This last Saturday we noticed bloody poop in the brooder that holds our five three-week old chicks. I'd read a lot about cocci so we immediately began treating with Corid using the measurements of 1.5 tsp of powdered Corid per gallon of water. It's been two days and we're still seeing bloody...
  7. C

    What is Coccidiosis?

    Hello, I am new to chickens and am hoping to get 2 Rhode Island Red Hens as well as 2 Buckeye Hens. I am wondering what Coccidiosis is and what it does to chicks. The chickens would be a day old when I get them and I'm also wondering about starter feed? Help!!
  8. L

    I think my week old chicks have cocci!

    Hello, I'm new to chickens, these are my first. I got 11 chicks from the hatchery and everything seemed fine. I am feeding them medicated feed. Then on friday I got 7 new chicks from someone, approximately the same age. They had not been on medicated feed. On Saturday I noticed bloody poop, on...
  9. E

    Chicken with Coccidiosis! Help!

    I am a new chicken owner with only four chickens. 4 days ago I noticed that one of my hens was not moving much, and almost not eating or drinking. I immediately started looking online for what problem could possible be and I've noticed that all simptoms made me think of coccidiosis! The loss...
  10. Austrachick

    8 week closed eyes wobbly on feet

    I have one of my young chicks Tango hatched Christmas eve. I found him in his coop covered in ants. I washed him off and started treatment for coccidiosis but I am not sure if it right or not. He will drink water but wont eat and wont open his eyes. Tango is breathing better but still wobbly...
  11. Saaniya

    Lining Or Blood

    So I've been noticing this from month Month ago i notice some gelly stuff in my rooster poop for the first time since i have him and i was very afraid if that's COCCI so I treat him for 3 days with Smz+tmp But after month again from yesterday I see some gelly red stuff again is that COCCI or...
  12. K

    Intestinal shed? Not an emergency...

    Ok, so just before Christmas I had a sudden death and really bloody poop in my 8-9 week old chicks in their brooder. It was suggested here as coccidiosis and I got my cats vet to (somewhat reluctantly) do a fecal float and prescribe me some Amprolium for the coccidiosis, no worm signs at all in...
  13. Saaniya

    Do they really she'd lining?

    Hello everyone, Happy New year to all So I want to share a heart attack experience I see this morning I open my rooster like daily in the morning and they poop coming outside today I noticed a brown color almost look red Brown mucus type thing (very little) in tootoo's poop (I forget to take...
  14. mrhoodie

    I saw all the dosages for Corid for mixing with water, what about a direct oral dosage?

    I’m pretty sure my chicken has coccidiosis. She won’t drink, so I can’t mix amprolium in the water. Does anyone have a dosage to give Corid orally, so not mixed in any water? Thanks. My hen is 7 years old now, too.
  15. Carolrich

    Sick hen maybe coccidosis? Impacted crop??

    Hello. Remember Beatrice of the egg bound hen thread? Well If you check back on that, you will see that we had a successful outcome. We put her back with the girls on the 26th. On the 27th we noticed her being lethargic, puffed up and hunching, not eating or drinking. I took her to the isolation...
  16. DarkWater1929

    Chick Failing to Thrive Now Seems Frankly Ill - Hunched, Shivering, Thin, Miserable

    Hello! Our wonderful Cuckoo Marans hen raised two batches of chicks this year. The second batch hatched on Halloween. (Now 2 months old.) One of the babies has always seemed frail. At first it was just that she seemed always to be cold, hunched with her feathers poofed out. As time has...
  17. K

    Strange poop?

    Hi, I’m on day 5 of treating my chickens for coccidiosis with amprolium. I’m still seeing the occasional bloody poop, and today when cleaning out the roosting area I found a large strange fiberous horrible smelling oval thing. Any idea what this is, and if it’s related to the treatment for...
  18. K

    Amprol liquid dosage confirmation

    Hi, I’ve got my amprol 9.6%, and wanted to confirm the dosage for water... I am treating a fairly bad coccidiosis outbreak for the first time. I’ve read a few different conflicting dosages here. My vet recommends 2ml/gallon of water for 2 weeks. Does this sound correct?
  19. K

    Help please, Bloody stools, sudden death 9 week old chicken

    my 9 week old chicks just moved out to their chicken tractor today after the overnight death of my favorite chicken in the brooder box. I hatched them out here on October 13th and was unprepared for how fast they would outgrow their brooder. If I had electricity or it was summer it wouldn’t have...
  20. Carolrich

    Coccidiosis after antibiotic treatment?

    My poor rooster Stanley. We just finished treating him with a round of antibiotics for his foot access (healed now) but he is lethargic, hunching, his legs have lost yellow pigment and I have to encourage him to eat. His crop is not impacted or squishy. His poops are normal. I wonder if a...
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