But Peter was already gone. He appeared several minutes later, though, having branch-slapped some more Pure soldiers. A bullet-proof vest was draped over his hoodie.
He swayed and tried not to fall to the ground. "Hey," he panted, "is it just me, or are there more of these... these.. these..." he flapped a hand at the Pure.
Running out of bullets, Brisa swooped down and took another gun from a nearby body, her body aching for want of rest. She couldn’t do this for much longer. For every Pure that fell it seemed like two more reared in their place. Spinning around, she came face to face with another intimidating person dressed in black, the mask covering his face spattered with blood. He raised a gun to her forehead and and she closed her eyes, bracing for the shot, for it all to end. Her heart beat in her throat, adrenaline pumping, and over the rushing sound filling her ears she heard a click. Her eyes hesitantly flicked open before she felt a blow to her head, and she crumpled to the ground. A thought entered her flickering consciousness as black spots swam in front of her eyes. His gun was empty. She weakly lifted her gun to point in his general direction and pulled the trigger, seeing the looming black shape above her fall back. The kick caused her to drop the gun, and she found she could no longer raise her hand to try and grab it again. There’s nothing more I can do. We’re losing. She was oddly aware of a trickle of blood dripping down her face from the place on her forehead where his pistol had met her skin. Now what? She wondered, fading in and out of consciousness.
"There's... definitely more. Many... many.. more." Toby mumbled. The more he spoke, the more the shadow man flickered. He moved faster, desperate to kill as many people as he could before he vanished. "I can't... I can't... " Toby whimpered.
Peter, although his vision was starting to get hazy, noticed the shadow slowly starting to fail. "Uh, one second-" he mumured, disappearing once again. He appeared beside a van, and yelped as a bullet hit the van right by his head. He scrambled around to the other side and hurriedly tried to get the vest off a fallen Pure soldier. He paused in frustration; his trembling fingers weren't doing what he wanted them to. "C'mon, c'mon!" He growled, finally tugging it off and appearing by Toby's side again. "Here," he murmured, practically falling to the ground as he kneeled down to give it to him.
Peter, although his vision was starting to get hazy, noticed the shadow slowly starting to fail. "Uh, one second-" he mumured, disappearing once again. He appeared beside a van, and yelped as a bullet hit the van right by his head. He scrambled around to the other side and hurriedly tried to get the vest off a fallen Pure soldier. He paused in frustration; his trembling fingers weren't doing what he wanted them to. "C'mon, c'mon!" He growled, finally tugging it off and appearing by Toby's side again. "Here," he murmured, practically falling to the ground as he kneeled down to give it to him.

Toby opened his eyes, which were now solid black. Instead of seeing Peter with the vest, he saw everything from his shadow's perspective. Toby yelped as he- no, the creature- slashed someone's throat. He closed his eyes again, and pulled his knees up to his chest. He was panicking, despite his efforts to stay calm. "Wh-what?" He mumbled. He didn't know what Peter had, and wasn't eager to look in case he saw from someone else's perspective again, or he made his shadow man disappear.
Toby opened his eyes, which were now solid black. Instead of seeing Peter with the vest, he saw everything from his shadow's perspective. Toby yelped as he- no, the creature- slashed someone's throat. He closed his eyes again, and pulled his knees up to his chest. He was panicking, despite his efforts to stay calm. "Wh-what?" He mumbled. He didn't know what Peter had, and wasn't eager to look in case he saw from someone else's perspective again, or he made his shadow man disappear.
"Vest. You know, so you don't die." Peter said, thrusting it at him and dropping it on his knees. He looked around at the fray, trying to get his bearings. He could tell that they were vastly outnumbered. Also, the Pure seemed to be at least a bit organized, while the inhumans were the very definition of chaos.
"Vest. You know, so you don't die." Peter said, thrusting it at him and dropping it on his knees. He looked around at the fray, trying to get his bearings. He could tell that they were vastly outnumbered. Also, the Pure seemed to be at least a bit organized, while the inhumans were the very definition of chaos.

"O-oh. Th-th-thank.. you.." Toby stuttered, clinging onto the vest.

Running out of bullets, Brisa swooped down and took another gun from a nearby body, her body aching for want of rest. She couldn’t do this for much longer. For every Pure that fell it seemed like two more reared in their place. Spinning around, she came face to face with another intimidating person dressed in black, the mask covering his face spattered with blood. He raised a gun to her forehead and and she closed her eyes, bracing for the shot, for it all to end. Her heart beat in her throat, adrenaline pumping, and over the rushing sound filling her ears she heard a click. Her eyes hesitantly flicked open before she felt a blow to her head, and she crumpled to the ground. A thought entered her flickering consciousness as black spots swam in front of her eyes. His gun was empty. She weakly lifted her gun to point in his general direction and pulled the trigger, seeing the looming black shape above her fall back. The kick caused her to drop the gun, and she found she could no longer raise her hand to try and grab it again. There’s nothing more I can do. We’re losing. She was oddly aware of a trickle of blood dripping down her face from the place on her forehead where his pistol had met her skin. Now what? She wondered, fading in and out of consciousness.

Jessi let out a blood curdling roar, and flew towards Brisa. She landed on someone about to shoot her, feeling his body crunch between her large wyvern toes. It was a disgusting feeling, and she made a mental note to clean and repainted her toenails extra good next time she had the chance. She picked Brisa up by her vest, and carried her towards one of the cars, laying her behind it out of sight from everyone else. 'Stay,' she growled, and gently nuzzled her hand, before flying back into the fight.
"O-oh. Th-th-thank.. you.." Toby stuttered, clinging onto the vest.

Jessi let out a blood curdling roar, and flew towards Brisa. She landed on someone about to shoot her, feeling his body crunch between her large wyvern toes. It was a disgusting feeling, and she made a mental note to clean and repainted her toenails extra good next time she had the chance. She picked Brisa up by her vest, and carried her towards one of the cars, laying her behind it out of sight from everyone else. 'Stay,' she growled, and gently nuzzled her hand, before flying back into the fight.
Brisa had a vague feeling of being lifted and then set down again and, and she thought she heard Jessi’s voice from far away. Everything sounded like it was underwater, but she could tell that the sounds of fighting were a bit quieter now. Or was she just sinking farther out of consciousness? She groaned a bit from confusion and pain and curled up into a tiny ball on the hard ground, resembling a baby mouse in its nest. She didn’t really know what was happening anymore and all she wanted was to sleep. Her head throbbed, a pain she couldn’t escape, and she could feel the bruise forming on her ribs from the bullet’s impact. She couldn’t seem to make thoughts form, so she gave up trying to and allowed herself to succumb to the darkness. But her cruel body wouldn’t let her, forcing her to stay trapped in this place of pain and disorientation, the ringing in her ears drowning out even the sound of gunshots.
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Toby opened his eyes, which were now solid black. Instead of seeing Peter with the vest, he saw everything from his shadow's perspective. Toby yelped as he- no, the creature- slashed someone's throat. He closed his eyes again, and pulled his knees up to his chest. He was panicking, despite his efforts to stay calm. "Wh-what?" He mumbled. He didn't know what Peter had, and wasn't eager to look in case he saw from someone else's perspective again, or he made his shadow man disappear.
Indigo stood over him, firing into the crowd, protecting him. "Don't touch him," she told the Pure. As they glanced at Indigo, who was glowing strangely, they didn't fire in his direction. Indigo fingered her experimental granola bar. Maybe she would force Toby to take a break with it.

Sherri awoke with the realization that the Pure thought she was already dead. That was the only reason she awoke at all. But the pixie still had a fragile glow, and Sherri felt she must protect her.
With a grunt and a lot of painful movement, Sherri rolled herself over the pixie, making herself an inhuman shield, and played possum, the only thing she could do. Her vision was obstructed by shadows and exhaustion, and she was weakened by hunger.
Indigo stood over him, firing into the crowd, protecting him. "Don't touch him," she told the Pure. As they glanced at Indigo, who was glowing strangely, they didn't fire in his direction. Indigo fingered her experimental granola bar. Maybe she would force Toby to take a break with it.

Sherri awoke with the realization that the Pure thought she was already dead. That was the only reason she awoke at all. But the pixie still had a fragile glow, and Sherri felt she must protect her.
With a grunt and a lot of painful movement, Sherri rolled herself over the pixie, making herself an inhuman shield, and played possum, the only thing she could do. Her vision was obstructed by shadows and exhaustion, and she was weakened by hunger.

Toby relaxed some, hearing Indigo standing behind him. One of the disadvantages of using the special shadow person, was that Toby felt like he was the one fighting and being shot repeatedly. If he was fighting with a gun it would've been a little easier, but since it was such a large sword he was tiring quickly. "Alpha. Car. Get." Toby mumbled. His speaking was scrambled, but he hoped it was still understandable.
"O-oh. Th-th-thank.. you.." Toby stuttered, clinging onto the vest.
Toby relaxed some, hearing Indigo standing behind him. One of the disadvantages of using the special shadow person, was that Toby felt like he was the one fighting and being shot repeatedly. If he was fighting with a gun it would've been a little easier, but since it was such a large sword he was tiring quickly. "Alpha. Car. Get." Toby mumbled. His speaking was scrambled, but he hoped it was still understandable.
After Indigo appeared from the crowd, Peter stopped making any effort to get up. He knew that he needed to stop teleporting, or he wouldn't be able to do anything. At Toby's words, Peter squinted at him weirdly. "Are those... code words?"
After Indigo appeared from the crowd, Peter stopped making any effort to get up. He knew that he needed to stop teleporting, or he wouldn't be able to do anything. At Toby's words, Peter squinted at him weirdly. "Are those... code words?"

Even though Toby couldn't see Peter, he could feel him staring. "No... Alpha. My dog. He'll get hurt. He needs... to hide." Toby said. He knew if he kept talking he would lose focuse, and then his only chance of fighting the Pure would disappear.

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