◇DiamondSwan's Phenomenal Chat Thread!◇

So basically, I met a boy on MiiVerse with my 3DS (a mostly kid-centered place that won't even let you type swear words, a certain combination of numbers, or even talk about knives). We were probably the only teens on there because neither of us had phones. It was in the Mario Kart 7 community, and yeah... Things kinda went from there. But not in a bad way.

I just happened to notice his post the day before Valentine's Day last year, that said, "Hey, fellow peeps. Don't forget that tomorrow's Valentine's Day, and that it never hurts to say those 3 special words". And my sarcasm bubbled up as usual, and I said, "'Your racing sucks'? : P" So he challenged me to a race and things took off from there. As time went on we became good friends, then he later told me he loved me. From the beginning we had no problem being honest and telling each other our most embarrassing stories or personal things. He was never afraid to admit when he made a mistake or that someone was better than him. I spied on his profile and noticed that all of his comments were kind and encouraging toward everyone... I've never seen someone who cares so much and tries so hard to make friends. And his belief in Jesus obviously showed through that. He might not be perfect (no one is), but if he was I would have been worried. ;)

But my parents cut us off when I finally told them about Jeremy... And I haven't heard from him in a year (and this is exactly why I was afraid to tell them about him). But I know this in my heart: I still love him and always will. And I know he feels the same. And neither of us knows what the other looks like. My parents are right and I will respect them. Meeting people online can be dangerous. But I also know in my heart, that on the other side of that screen, there is a real person with real feelings and emotions, in search of his purpose... And maybe I can help him find it.

But the only thing I can do is wait, pray and trust in God. I pray everyday that God holds him close and never lets him go, and that he builds him up to be the man I know he will become.
Hugs for you, sweet friend :hugs Jeremy sounds like a cool guy, and I'm sorry things had to end the way they did. Maybe one day you'll end up meeting him in real life ;)

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