◇DiamondSwan's Phenomenal Chat Thread!◇

BB (short for Baby Bird because she was the tiniest hen in the flock) died yesterday, I have no idea what caused the sudden death, one minute she was alive the next minute belly up and she wasn't even one yet! I am quite sad about this even though she never let me hold her, she was always so feisty and stood up for herself even for her tiny size. I'm gonna miss BB..... <3


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(BB on right and Cinnamon in the middle, who also passed away this year.)
We named a Jersey Giant Bebe because the rooster was named Gunn. (Yes, that was how his name was spelled.)
BB (short for Baby Bird because she was the tiniest hen in the flock) died yesterday, I have no idea what caused the sudden death, one minute she was alive the next minute belly up and she wasn't even one yet! I am quite sad about this even though she never let me hold her, she was always so feisty and stood up for herself even for her tiny size. I'm gonna miss BB..... <3


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(BB on right and Cinnamon in the middle, who also passed away this year.)

Nooo! :hit I'm sorry Meg, it sucks so bad when they die like that... :( :hugs

My oegb Lady Jane died really suddenly like that too. Dad cut her open and her entire chest cavity was full of blood, like she had popped an artery almost. 0_o It was really weird...

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