2012 Louisiana chickenstocks, shows, and meet-ups

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ok i got the flyer printed out and quite a few other things as well. i hope there is a good turnout :D i can bring some water as well and maybe the small bags of chips as a snack.
testing out the you tube right now........ I was just wondering, there are videos about all the different dog breeds, cat breeds and other little pets explaining where they came from and all the details that make them unique from one another but... did anyone make videos about poultry breeds? You know the ones I'm talking about right, like dog 101 that has been played on animal plant. :/ just a thought that came to my head.

Please vote on our poll for what you would like to see on our future website. If you see something not on the poll but like to include please add it to the poll. Also on another note we are going to schedule another meeting some time in the future.

Hope everyone is having a great day.

Central Louisiana Poultry club now has email!!

clpoultryclub @ yahoo.com
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Oh, ok, lol. Boy do I feel dumb!
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