2017 Gosling Hatch a long!!

Did the seller guarantee fertility? I know if I sent eggs and none at all at least started to develop, I'd replace them for the cost of shipping.
Unfortunately there was no guarantee on eggs due to shipping.

I'll wait a few more days and check again, I was just hoping to se something and be reassured. Lol
Even when I ship I guarantee fertility. I won't guarantee that they will hatch, but I will at least guarantee they're fertile. That's too bad if the seller won't replace the eggs for you if they all don't do anything :(
I haven't actually asked, I'll wait another week or so before I contact her, but just going off of the listing that's the information I have.

Hopefully these turn out though because I won't have time to hatch more until we are settled into the new house next month.

We were setting these to hatch a few days before we move.
But thank you for your replies! I think I'm just being impatient. The eggs were sort of dirty, so I may just be missing things if they are growing behind a dirt spot
I know I kept candling and on one egg it showed nothing at all...then suddenly on day 7 there it was! An embryo and veins. As if by magic! Don't panic till day 7! I'm double checking mine today andif those two dodgy ones show nothing I'll discard them.
I've everything crossed forsome signs and fertility xxx
These are all 6 eggs showing nothing at all.

I should be seeing air cell progress by now, correct?


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Thanks for the pic. You're right there's not much there so far..
On my eggs I could definitely see air cell progress at the very least. I'd still try to be patient (as patient as you can be!!) and try again in a couple of days.
It's so frustrating if nothing happens... I'm sending good hatching wishes your way..:hugs
Thank you.
I'm trying really hard to be patient, but I've got that gut feeling that this isn't right

I don't even know what I'm going to do if these don't develop, I needed to get my geese hatched this summer, before baby 3 gets here so they are self sufficient for the most part by October.

I'm not even sure I'll be able to find more eggs next month if I need to.

Sorry for the whining...lol
Thank you.
I'm trying really hard to be patient, but I've got that gut feeling that this isn't right

I don't even know what I'm going to do if these don't develop, I needed to get my geese hatched this summer, before baby 3 gets here so they are self sufficient for the most part by October.

I'm not even sure I'll be able to find more eggs next month if I need to.

Sorry for the whining...lol
No dont be silly! It's good to talk...;)
We'll keep everything crossed for you that some development shows soon. Congratulations on Baby no. 3! :celebrateHow exciting! When are you due? And moving too...sounds like you have a lot on your plate at the moment.
I'll be posting some candling pics tonight (probably around 3pm for you) so it'll be my turn to whine soon and double check on what I'm seeing...:fl

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