2017 Gosling Hatch a long!!

Ahhhh! Ok I believe you mentioned that (sorry!) did you have the auto turner for yours?

I got mine for so cheap that I was shocked when I looked at the cost of the turner! Twice what I paid for the incubator. Lol
Yes I paid for the autoturner too. I've got he autoturner on and I'm hand turning 180° 3 times per day end over end too. Not sure if that's too much turning but we'll see lol.:p
Good luck with all your hatches! I'm done for the year unless my year old female decides she does actually want to lay this year. My older girl gave me about eight eggs before she went broody. I hatched about four of those, a couple at the start were infertile (the year old gander was still learning how to do things) and some I left for her to hatch, but they disappeared right before they hatched. Now she's broody on chicken eggs and I'm going to let her hatch them. She's just going to be forbidden from any bodies of water while she's raising them, lol. We'll see if it works out.

I am waiting for an order of goslings to come in, so I'll be sure to post pictures of them when and if I get them.
Good luck with all your hatches! I'm done for the year unless my year old female decides she does actually want to lay this year. My older girl gave me about eight eggs before she went broody. I hatched about four of those, a couple at the start were infertile (the year old gander was still learning how to do things) and some I left for her to hatch, but they disappeared right before they hatched. Now she's broody on chicken eggs and I'm going to let her hatch them. She's just going to be forbidden from any bodies of water while she's raising them, lol. We'll see if it works out.

I am waiting for an order of goslings to come in, so I'll be sure to post pictures of them when and if I get them.
Hi there!

We were saying earlier how much easier it must be to have a goose do the hatching!

How weird that her eggs disappeared! What happened to them do you think?
And how lovely that she'll hatch chicken eggs! Has she done that before?

Lovely to hear from you tho and keep us posted on the goslings!
Most of my girls are 4-7 years old, so I've gotten to know their laying habits pretty well. I only have a few girls that are really reliable for hatching. Given my flock is already at max numbers, it is a good thing that most could care less about sitting.

It's not uncommon for predators to raid nests during sitting, especially when babies are hatching. We've lost many nests to predators, especially skunks. Fortunately, skunks won't bother our ducks/geese, preferring their eggs. However, when the raccoons show up hungry after having their spring babies, then we have to worry about our birds.
Woot woot!

This hova bator is holding good temp and my humidity is 27-30% dry.

Now just a few more days and we can see if it worked!

What a good little incubator! This thing is so much better than the still air one I bought from tractor supply years ago!
Hi there!

We were saying earlier how much easier it must be to have a goose do the hatching!

How weird that her eggs disappeared! What happened to them do you think?
And how lovely that she'll hatch chicken eggs! Has she done that before?

Lovely to hear from you tho and keep us posted on the goslings!

I suspect that it was some children who thought goose eggs would be cool to have and stole them out of her nest. All the eggs were gone, even the fake ones I had in there to show them where to lay this season.

I'm sure she'll hatch them and be happy. She loves chicks. The trick will just be keeping her away from water so she doesn't accidentally drown them, and hoping that she won't crush them accidentally or step on them, etc. I'm hoping it goes well for her.
Most of my girls are 4-7 years old, so I've gotten to know their laying habits pretty well. I only have a few girls that are really reliable for hatching. Given my flock is already at max numbers, it is a good thing that most could care less about sitting.

It's not uncommon for predators to raid nests during sitting, especially when babies are hatching. We've lost many nests to predators, especially skunks. Fortunately, skunks won't bother our ducks/geese, preferring their eggs. However, when the raccoons show up hungry after having their spring babies, then we have to worry about our birds.
Wow it sounds like you've a lot of birds to think about! And a lot of predators...
We have a few over here but nothing like as many. Foxes are the main culprits for stealing eggs and, with chickens rats are the main problem. Though, since they've all had to stay in recently, I haven't seen a rat for a long time!

Woot woot!

This hova bator is holding good temp and my humidity is 27-30% dry.

Now just a few more days and we can see if it worked!

What a good little incubator! This thing is so much better than the still air one I bought from tractor supply years ago!
I'm so please it's working out!!
I candled and weighed again last night cos I'm trying to sort the weight loss issues I'm having and I think I might have a quitter in there. Im not sure about it but it looks sort of...lumpy...with a dark patch... and there's no movement at all. It's also the most recently laid egg! Ill try and get a pic tonight when it's dark and I can see the best and I'll post it. I'm praying I'm wrong but my gut instinct is usually right.

I suspect that it was some children who thought goose eggs would be cool to have and stole them out of her nest. All the eggs were gone, even the fake ones I had in there to show them where to lay this season.

I'm sure she'll hatch them and be happy. She loves chicks. The trick will just be keeping her away from water so she doesn't accidentally drown them, and hoping that she won't crush them accidentally or step on them, etc. I'm hoping it goes well for her.
Oh what a pain for you that kids take them. That would make me very cross!
I've my fingers crossed that she hatches the chicken eggs ok then! And that you can keep her from water ha ha ;)
Oh no Nannette. Hopefully it's not a quitter.

Looking forward to pictures though, they help me pass the time when I want to be fiddling with my own eggs. Lol

I'm trying to keep busy over here, I realized our movers will be here in 16 days!!!! So I've got to hurry hurry and start decluttering and throwing things away.

I tossed 10 garbage bags worth of stuff today (and we are not even hoarders!) definitely helped pass the morning and I feel good because it'll be 10 garbage bags less that I'll have to worry about unpacking. Ha ha ha

We haven't had too many predator problems in the past, the occasional hawk, a stray cat or two but none have ever succeeded.

We do have coyotes in our area though :( thankfully we are all fenced in and the coop is a full shed so there's no way for foxes to dig their way in. I'll still be on pins and needles waiting for my chicks to grow up though, but they'll be moving into the garage when they hatch. I've raised too many babies in the house and they are stinky.

Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday (or Wednesday depending on where you are!)

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