3 part staggered hatch, Wynette, Speckledhen, scbatz33 eggs new photos

Well, it's after 1 AM here, and I plan to be at the post office at 7 AM.
I know the eggs will be there.... they have to be there!

I candled just now. It looks like 4 of the 10 JGiants are clear.

Everything else is looking good. I left them in anyway, and will check again on day 10. Darn, I hope I am wrong; after all that is what I wanted in the first place! Though the other nice eggs will be an added bonus! I just hate to lose any of them.

I checked the Lavender Orpington project eggs too. And, even though they are 48 hours behind the others, I can see some progress in most of them. Oh, this is so exciting!
AWE, RATS on the 4 Jersey eggs! That's perplexing, because I always get 100% hatch here at home, and most that I send out are in the 90%. But, it is late in the season, maybe the roo isn't as randy or the girls not as receptive. So sorry about that, Kathy! Hope the rest all do okay!
Hooray, the packages arrived. Both packages were at the post office this morning when I went to get the eggs at 9AM. I let them rest today, after I unpacked them. I hope I didn't scramble them when I "cut them loose!"
Boy, Cyn, those are some huge eggs! AND, that quilt is just lovely! Of course I will be sporting my new sweatshirt very soon as well!

Wynette, I pulled the 4 questionable Giants eggs. I checked them. I think 2 were totally scrambled, and 2 were clear. There was no incubation progress at all. Ya know, 2 of them were "porous" looking. I don't know the correct term, but looked as if you could shine a light through and see holes everywhere. What does that mean? Anything? Now, down to 6 JG.
It's not your fault, Wynette, I know that.
I just hope the remaining 6 make it!
If not, I'll have to have you incubate for me!

I was busy all day, but it seems I didn't get alot accomplished. I had a leak in the roof of the new build. So, I was up on the roof for about 3 hours fixing that. It has been so rainy the past week or 10 days ... off and on, some downpours, some all day sprinkles. No rain today. YAY

I put a separation divider (temporary) in the part I have completed. Then, I put the JGs I got from Maria in one side, and the Marans are on the other side. There is a couple weeks difference in ages. Maybe I will put them together later. Then, I made a new "walk-in," nest for the silkies. I hope they will use it!

DH got home today. YAY! He will help me, and hopefully we will get alot accomplished. OH NO, football TV tomorrow. Well, maybe we will get a LITTLE bit accomplished then! He's home for a week, so while I work he can still get more done than I would.

10PM update: the Delaware eggs are set! Yippee! Here we go >>>!
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Kathy just checking in Your coop and flock are awesome!! Hope your hatch is coming along will post some more pics of our JG relatives in a week or so!!
Good day, Kathy! Hope all is going well with your hatch. Yes, that's a porous egg if you can see what looks like tiny "holes" all over when you candle. I didn't recall any looking porous when I wrapped them, but I had 3 orders to go out the day I sent yours so I wasn't paying that close of attention. I have not personally noted any differences in hatching porous versus non-porous eggs, though. Not sure if other folks have or not?
Hi Wynette!

Actually there is another pourous one that I have left in, as it has candled well.
I am just so excited about all these eggs in the bators currently. I sure hope it all turns out well!
It seems things are staying stable.

I'm gonna run over to my BYC page and create a new page with pictures from my building job and chicks in brooders, etc.
Hmmm....since I have only 2 hens laying, it must be that one of them isn't making ideal shells. Thanks for letting me know - I'll watch and may move her to my layer pen. You shouldn't have trouble hatching them, though!! BYC member Nickori had over a 90% hatch rate with my Jerseys, so here's hoping they're still hatching well for folks! Thanks for letting me know about the porosity. Crossed fingers on a wonderful hatch! I'll watch for your BYC page update!

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