3 part staggered hatch, Wynette, Speckledhen, scbatz33 eggs new photos

that really was fun
thank you very much. i enjoyed every sleepless night and exhausted day of it.....lol.
Now you know what it is like to be on MY schedule!

OK, Monita, go to bed now, you need the rest!

So, my bators seem to be going ok. I am really having to add more water than before though. Which could be because of the location change.

I am so tired of this rain. It's so cold, I'm afraid it will soon be snow

I'm so wide awake, anxious and excited for the delivery in only a few hours. That's when I'm sure to be tired.
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Kathy, I see that the pkg went through Kansas City, KS last night. You're not far from there at all--do you think it will make it today? The quilt was mailed from Blue Ridge, so it will go through Atlanta, then out to you. Be interesting to see which arrives first.
I was sooooooo PO'd at my DH. I was watching your posts so closely. It was at 999. Had to go pick the boys up from school, and I come back to check the computer only to find DH decided to "upgrade" something on the computer.

When it was done, I checked and it was already over.
OH, darn it! Well, I will do it again, maybe at post # 2000.

It was really fun. I got to "meet," lots of people via PMs!

Kathy, I see that the pkg went through Kansas City, KS last night. You're not far from there at all--do you think it will make it today? The quilt was mailed from Blue Ridge, so it will go through Atlanta, then out to you. Be interesting to see which arrives first.

DD just went to town, to run errands. She is stopping at the post office to check the last shipment of the day. It SHOULD be there, because KC is only 90 miles north of me!

I DID receive my Giants today! YAY ! They are now all settled in. Man, talk about friendly birds; these guys are all over ya. They love to be held and to sit on us! LOVEN IT !

Wow, you have quite an operation going on!! Good luck with all your egg babies

I hope by spring these guys will all be ready for breeding time! That is my ultimate goal, and to make it throught the winter.

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