4 week old chicks. Roos or hens? Breeds?

They are 8 weeks old now. Are the 2 last ones Roos?




#5 Roo?

#6 Roo?
At 8 weeks their combs would be huge and brighter red if male. Congrats on your pullets.
Thank you. I just asked because I found that 1 of my 18 week old hens was actually a rooster. So now I have a rooster in my flock, although I don’t know how long I will keep him, 2 of my hens are limping some and I wonder if it’s because my Roo is bothering them.
Thank you. I just asked because I found that 1 of my 18 week old hens was actually a rooster. So now I have a rooster in my flock, although I don’t know how long I will keep him, 2 of my hens are limping some and I wonder if it’s because my Roo is bothering them.
Rough roosters. No need if you're not breeding.

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