5 week old cuckoo Araucana


Araucana enthusiast
5 Years
Mar 16, 2016
North Central IN
My Coop
My Coop
I had assumed this cuckoo Araucana chick (yes its a true Araucana even though it's tailed) was a female, as it had an irregular head spot and dark body and dark legs when it was younger. As it has gotten older it has grown larger than its hatch mates and seems to partake in a lot of sparring. So I asked the breeder if those tell tale signs meant pullet, and she said it would IF it was cuckoo to cuckoo breeding. She also has solid blacks in the cuckoo pen so couldn't say for sure.

Other confirmed cockerels from the same hatch (different colors) have had red combs for a week now. I'm hoping this is a slow maturing cockerel. Since it's tailed it would be easier to breed than the other way around. Is it too early to tell?


Hey there! I'm gonna vote cockerel on this one.
Where did you get it? I know SkyBlue is working on cuckoo... her cockerels tend to have very wide combs early.
Oh I hope it is a male!
I traded Rachel Bayes (Willow Acres) two cockerels for some hatching eggs, which is where this chick came from. She's on her second or third year working on cuckoo. Her cockbird is GORGEOUS!!!!

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