6 White Crested Blue Polish fertile Hatching eggs- SHIPPING INCLUDED!!


10 Years
Sep 27, 2009
Morrow, AR
6 White Crested Blue Polish fertile Hatching eggs. These birds are my BEST layers, as well as just being fun birds to have around :)
White Crested Blue Polish are a rare variety of Polish with the same genetic makeup as White Crested Black Polish with the addition of the incompletely dominant blue laced (Bl) gene in the heterozygous state, which causes the black pigment granules to be modified in shape and distribution on the surface of the feather, creating a dilution of black that results in the characteristic bluish slate color. The striking difference between the crest color and the remainder of the plumage presents a beautiful poultry display. Standard weights at maturity are males-5 lbs. and hens-4 lbs.

When blue (Bl bl) variety males are crossed with blue (Bl bl) variety females, the ratio of colors produced is as follows: 1 black (bl bl), 2 blue (Bl bl) and 1 splash (Bl Bl) (white with a blue cast). This Blue variety may produce Blue, Black or Splash Chicks.


Our eggs are fresh and fertile. We collect eggs at least 2 times per day. All breeds are housed separately and securely. There is no chance of crossbreeding. The ratio of roosters to hens is 1 to 2.

Fertility has been eggcelent! :)

Prompt payment at the close of the auction is expected. Delays in payment mean your eggs are not shipped as quickly as they could be. We will ship as soon as possible after the close of the auction and payment has been received and the appropriate number of eggs is available. Shipment may be delayed a few days to prevent weekend shipment.


Shipping cost in included in the auction. We ship by USPS Priority Mail We cannot be responsible for any rough-handling by the USPS, but we will include extra eggs just in case *if they are available*.

Please leave feedback for us as soon as the eggs are delivered. This allows us to know that you have received your eggs safe and sound.

Please allow at least 12-24 hours for eggs to settle after shipping before setting them in your preheated and stable temp incubator. We cannot guarantee hatch rates because we cannot control the USPS or your incubator, however, we have incubators going here 24/7 and have had GREAT hatch rates! A 50% hatch rate is considered good for shipped eggs, but many people experience higher hatch rates. Conditions affecting our hatching eggs are beyond our control as soon as they leave our hands.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!


National Poultry Improvement Plan Certified

We have been tested & inspected for the NPIP, but have not received our flock ID number or forms. I expect them within a few days, but can not guarantee it.

NPIP Certifies your eggs are free of Pullorum-Typhoid. P-T can cause 80% mortality in your chicks! (within 2 to 3 weeks after hatching despite high hatch rates)

It is ILLEGAL to import non-NPIP eggs to many/most states. Non-NPIP farms HAVE NOT BEEN TESTED. Most states test for free or a minimal fee.

For more information on the participating in the NPIP program, please visit -http://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_health/animal_dis_spec


For more than 10 years I have been flyingafarm on E-bay

This seller name reflects my poultry interests. Please feel free to view my more than 10 years of incredible feedback under the user name flyingafarm


6 White Crested Blue Polish fertile Hatching eggs. These birds are my BEST layers, as well as just being fun birds to have around :)
White Crested Blue Polish are a rare variety of Polish with the same genetic makeup as White Crested Black Polish with the addition of the incompletely dominant blue laced (Bl) gene in the heterozygous state, which causes the black pigment granules to be modified in shape and distribution on the surface of the feather, creating a dilution of black that results in the characteristic bluish slate color. The striking difference between the crest color and the remainder of the plumage presents a beautiful poultry display. Standard weights at maturity are males-5 lbs. and hens-4 lbs.

When blue (Bl bl) variety males are crossed with blue (Bl bl) variety females, the ratio of colors produced is as follows: 1 black (bl bl), 2 blue (Bl bl) and 1 splash (Bl Bl) (white with a blue cast). This Blue variety may produce Blue, Black or Splash Chicks.


Our eggs are fresh and fertile. We collect eggs at least 2 times per day. All breeds are housed separately and securely. There is no chance of crossbreeding. The ratio of roosters to hens is 1 to 2.

Fertility has been eggcelent! :)

Prompt payment at the close of the auction is expected. Delays in payment mean your eggs are not shipped as quickly as they could be. We will ship as soon as possible after the close of the auction and payment has been received and the appropriate number of eggs is available. Shipment may be delayed a few days to prevent weekend shipment.


Shipping cost in included in the auction. We ship by USPS Priority Mail We cannot be responsible for any rough-handling by the USPS, but we will include extra eggs just in case *if they are available*.

Please leave feedback for us as soon as the eggs are delivered. This allows us to know that you have received your eggs safe and sound.

Please allow at least 12-24 hours for eggs to settle after shipping before setting them in your preheated and stable temp incubator. We cannot guarantee hatch rates because we cannot control the USPS or your incubator, however, we have incubators going here 24/7 and have had GREAT hatch rates! A 50% hatch rate is considered good for shipped eggs, but many people experience higher hatch rates. Conditions affecting our hatching eggs are beyond our control as soon as they leave our hands.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!


National Poultry Improvement Plan Certified

We have been tested & inspected for the NPIP, but have not received our flock ID number or forms. I expect them within a few days, but can not guarantee it.

NPIP Certifies your eggs are free of Pullorum-Typhoid. P-T can cause 80% mortality in your chicks! (within 2 to 3 weeks after hatching despite high hatch rates)

It is ILLEGAL to import non-NPIP eggs to many/most states. Non-NPIP farms HAVE NOT BEEN TESTED. Most states test for free or a minimal fee.

For more information on the participating in the NPIP program, please visit -http://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_health/animal_dis_spec


For more than 10 years I have been flyingafarm on E-bay

This seller name reflects my poultry interests. Please feel free to view my more than 10 years of incredible feedback under the user name flyingafarm


I know this is from years ago but wanted to check availability?

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