60 New Chicks!!! Boy have I caught it!


11 Years
Feb 20, 2008
Norwich, Norfolk, UK
Well, I thought I was set for a while, with my 28 chicks and 10 ducklings....until I saw an ad on our local craigslist about 1 week old chicks for sale for $0.75 each!

Needless to say, I brought home 60 new chicks! In the new batch, I have 15 silver laced wynadottes, 15 Rhode Island Red, 15 New Hampshire Reds, and 15 Barred Rocks.

These chicks are straight run, but I'm hoping for mostly pullets (I tried to sex them as best I could when I was pulling them out of their former brooders). The barred rocks will eventually go to my uncle, but that still leaves me with 45 chickens! Not counting all of my babies I already had, plus the 90 or so chicken eggs and 50 or so duck eggs in the incubators!

Yep, I've caught it bad...and I still want more cochin babies and I'm looking for muscovy eggs locally!

I really need to buy new batteries for my camera so that I can show off all of my babies!

Thanks for letting me brag a little!
Emily in NC
I'd get it bad from my husband if I even attempted to bring that many home(
)!!! ha ha ha... congrats on the new little ones!! Can't wait to see pictures of the little darlings! That will be one huge family photo.
Everyone except for the 3 day olds and my lame chick are all out in our feed barn, which has much better ventilation than our spare bedroom! Those ducklings stink, lol!
Well, I thought I was set for a while, with my 28 chicks and 10 ducklings....until I saw an ad on our local craigslist about 1 week old chicks for sale for $0.75 each!

Needless to say, I brought home 60 new chicks! In the new batch, I have 15 silver laced wynadottes, 15 Rhode Island Red, 15 New Hampshire Reds, and 15 Barred Rocks.

These chicks are straight run, but I'm hoping for mostly pullets (I tried to sex them as best I could when I was pulling them out of their former brooders). The barred rocks will eventually go to my uncle, but that still leaves me with 45 chickens! Not counting all of my babies I already had, plus the 90 or so chicken eggs and 50 or so duck eggs in the incubators!


VERY impressed - kinda jealous- Verrrry funny:gig
You've caught the bug, all right. A particularly virulent strain, I believe, and I would recommend seeing a doctor right away, and perhaps get help from a psychiatrist specializing in 'chickoholism'. But I can see the prognosis is not good....and both experts will most likely prescribe a treatment involving more chicks and a larger coop
Oh, forgot to say, here are my hatching dates for the ones in the incubator:

March 31 - 20 chicks
April 1 - 7 chicks
April 4 - 28 chicks (from a friend)
April 7 - 36 chicks
April 8 - 11 ducklings
April 14 - 17 ducklings
April 22 - 22 ducklings

All of these spread out over 4 incubators! Ahh!!!
Hello neighbor I live in New London. I saw the same ad on craigslist. I was so tempted but I have sixty plus eggs in the bader and four broody hens on eggs. Congrats on the chicks and that was a good deal.
n-da-woods, what kind of eggs do you have in the incubator?

Right now I've got mixes from my birds (golden comet and EE mainly), silkie, and hopefully pure RIR in two of the incubators. I also have some EE's, cukoo marans, polish, and hopefully cochin from a friend in another incubator! My fourth incubator is filled with mallard duck eggs (49 duck eggs!).

Let's just say, I won't get a break in April!

I bought six more ducklings two days ago....

Two are black with white faces and white bellies, one is blue, one is chocolate, and two are blue with white faces and white bellies.

I bought two more heat lamps today so I could finish seperating the 60 babies into their respective breeds. I did learn one thing, never ever mix RIR and NHR's! I think I've got them sorted out, but we will have to wait and see.

Well, I'm off to read a few more posts and then cuddle my lame chick!

Emily in NC

PS - I'm still trying to find batteries! I get paid Tuesday, so I will buy some then no matter!

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