7.5 week old rooster crowing


7 Years
Oct 22, 2012
We got a leghorn chick from a farm store that started crowing very young. I never checked the calendar on him but I figured he was around 2 months old. We had a broody hen hatch chicks from him so we were wondering if the one rooster we had from the hatching would start crowing early.

Sure enough, he did. We started to notice him crowing at 7.5 weeks old. In 8 years of raising chickens and hatching chicks I have never seen anything like this. He is still cheeping like a chick. He's 8.5 weeks old in the videos. I added the video of him with the flock so you could see his size and hear his baby chick cheep. He's already getting better at crowing over the last week.

Has anyone else had a rooster crow this young? They usually crow at 3 months around here.


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