A broody coturnix??? New Photos!

i know how you feel my buttons have been pecking the toes of one baby they hatched 5 days after the others added to this in the past 3 days a button hen flew away when i was cleaning out and somehow a cage door came undone in the night and the female coturnix escaped luckly yhe male stayed in
They are...LOL

But when I got them they were in a typical quail cage. They got MUCH calmer in the big pen on the ground. No more bald hens and broken feathers. They hunt bugs (Cricket got a moth yesterday), dig in the straw for worms (Romeo is a great worm hunter), and sprawl out on the straw for sunbathing. The dust bath was just refilled before I took the picture. That will be empty in a few days from all their fluffing

You can't see in the pictures, but I also have pole beans climbing around the outside of the pen. It sounded good on paper, but the quail ate a lot of the plants. I got 2 BEANS from the vines...LOL Oh well, at least they didn't go to waste.
Just a quick update...we still have 3 chicks. The 2 mostly dead ones are doing great now and I can't even tell which ones were the frozen ones anymore. Well, one I can but only because it has really big eyes. It is so freaking cute. Momma Lucy Lu is doing a great job. I am AMAZED. Instinct kicked in BIG TIME and she seems to know exactly what to do. Her calls to the chicks are totally different than the sounds the adult quail make to each other. There is one specific call she makes when I introduce food. She seems to be telling them "Hey! You need to try this!" LOL She makes that noise and they come running. The other day she did that for seeds. Today I floated some clover in their water and she made that call again. All the babies came over to nibble on the clover with mom.
I've been trying to redo the roof of their pen so that has kept me busy. I will try and get more photos after work. Last winter I just had plastic for their roof. Rain and snow piled up and made a mess. I am putting clear polycarbonate panels up to replace the junkie plastic.
Enjoyed the pics....looking forward to more!

How interesting about her calls to the chicks. Guess it stands to reason since chicken hens have a different set of clucks and calls for their chicks, that quail would too. Bet that is really awesome to watch.
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Seems like others are having broody quail so want to bump this to page one.

Trying to decide if I want to let one of mine go broody and set her up in her own cage.

Sorry haven't seen the babies, don't do facebook. But I know they are under good wings.

Edited to add: I saw them, I saw the babies, so cute......OH I may have to try to set up my Big Bad Bertha.
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