A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Romeo is so handsome! Is he any happier with his own little flock? The flying snood pic cracked me up! And I love the name Nibbles! The flock looks great!

Thank you :) Romeo is happy there and Duchess is starting to settle in a bit. Princess is having a hard time adjusting. She's not used to being away from the rest of the flock. Remember, she was part of the broody bunch and her partners are all over in the other pen. I feel for her, but at the same time, Romeo is the one she needs to be bred to when the time comes.

Iris sounds so silly. Those palms are something else! They're definitely clever, determined and stubborn little buggers!
Hi I am new to the turkey side of things. We purchased two baby turkeys and regardless of all our efforts they did not make it. We have over 30 chickens so we were devastated when we failed with our turkeys. I was wondering if anyone could give me an idea as to wear we may be able to purchase a turkey a bit older so that we don't sacrifice any more little ones in the process of figuring out how to care for them. I feel like if they already know how to eat we can definitely take it from there. We live near Robert Louisiana so if you have any suggestions we would love to hear from you. Thank you.

Where do you live? I have a bunch to get rid of...
My turkeys got a serious upgrade today. They moved from their 5'x10' on concrete into an old garden patch that's 32'x48'. Not as much space as some of you give them but I hope it's enough to keep my 4 happy and healthy for the next 10 weeks (Thanksgiving).

They were so cute. They took like a 45 minute dust bath when first turned loose. Can anyone tell me if this much space will impede their growth? They'll still get free choice turkey grower mash. They're currently at 6#3oz, two over 7#, and the white is 8#11oz. I've been weighing them weekly and they seem a bit small.

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if it wasn't such a far drive I would be happy to come and get a few turkeys, but i'm in Northeastern Oklahoma (about 1 mile from the Oklahoma/Arkansas border), I like slates, even though I have never had slate turkeys, the turkeys I have kept were Broad breasted Bronze (at the time i didn't know they would not live for very long), and i have had BB Whites, Narragansetts, and Golden Narragansetts, but my current flock is 2 yearling Narragansett hens, and currently 14 poults (started with 16 but one didn't make it when it rained, and a 2nd one didn't make it because it was getting walked on by the others, its growth was stunted somehow)... but currently the 14 poults I have are several 6 bronze/red bronze, 3 Narragansetts, 3 Harvest Golds, 2 Silver dapple (one of the Silver Dapples is feathering out white) and a Rusty Black, as far as I can tell 2 of the poults are Toms, and the rest are hens (I have been watching them very closely so that i can identify each one accurately, the ones i can tell are toms is one of the Silver Dapple, and one of the Harvest Gold)
Hi I am new to the turkey side of things. We purchased two baby turkeys and regardless of all our efforts they did not make it. We have over 30 chickens so we were devastated when we failed with our turkeys. I was wondering if anyone could give me an idea as to wear we may be able to purchase a turkey a bit older so that we don't sacrifice any more little ones in the process of figuring out how to care for them. I feel like if they already know how to eat we can definitely take it from there. We live near Robert Louisiana so if you have any suggestions we would love to hear from you. Thank you.

If a chick is with poults they learn from the chick
My turkeys got a serious upgrade today. They moved from their 5'x10' on concrete into an old garden patch that's 32'x48'. Not as much space as some of you give them but I hope it's enough to keep my 4 happy and healthy for the next 10 weeks (Thanksgiving).

They were so cute. They took like a 45 minute dust bath when first turned loose. Can anyone tell me if this much space will impede their growth? They'll still get free choice turkey grower mash. They're currently at 6#3oz, two over 7#, and the white is 8#11oz. I've been weighing them weekly and they seem a bit small.

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I hope you are intending to serve individual sized turkeys... or waiting until next year..
I hope you are intending to serve individual sized turkeys... or waiting until next year..

Uh oh. Why do you say that? They're Broad Breasted and will be 17 weeks old when processing. I was hoping for 15-20# dressed out. Maybe I should have gotten them sooner. Darn it. Maybe one can get a reprieve until Christmas. Just from last Sunday they put on 2#1oz for the little one and 2#9oz for the big one.

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