A Chick Baby, Just This Morning!


6 Years
Feb 5, 2018
Feather Falls, CA
My hen, Maggie, went broody and has been setting on 3 eggs since February 19th. This morning I went out and hear the chick chirping and it was still wet! I had an appointment in town and came back and took a couple of (bad) photos of the chick. Just for kicks I picked up the other two eggs and held them to my ear. Chick pips from both! I guess I'll have 3 babies soon. My problem is that I have no understanding of chicken genetics. Maggie is a buff orpington. The rooster is a pure white jersey giant. The chick is Black!!! With a yellow belly. I don't get it, but I guess it's like getting your grandmother's color eyes instead of your mothers??!! Whatever, I'm happy that Maggie is successful, I'd hate to let her set for 23 days for nothing! The other two eggs are from a Delaware and Easter Egger. Jersey Giant is Dad to all.

maggie and chick 1.jpg chick one 2.jpg


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The only thing I can think of is that the rooster has the dominant white gene which could result in black chicks with a buff. I don't really know for sure though.:confused:
Either way, congratulations on the chick! Hopefully the other two come out as well.
Thanks, like I said, I don't understand a thing about genetics, but I'm happy to have a healthy chick. The two others are chirping loudly in their shells, so it won't be long I'll have two more! One is from a Delaware Mama and the other is Easter Egger. Dad is the same pure white jersey giant, should be interesting to see what colors we get! :D

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