A hundred bucks a meal? Are you guys pulling my leg? With poll

How many of you spend a hundred dollars on a meal for a couple?

  • I do weekly

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I do monthly

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I do yearly

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I have, but only a few times

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I never have but would like to

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No! Are you outta your everlovin' mind?!

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
You're lucky! That sounds wonderful. I've had some high priced expense account meals in Minneapolis and NYC but my favorite restaurant incident happened at a diner type of place in Hartland, New Brunswick. The young waitress was going to bring us some bread and she asked us:"Do you want home-made...or boughten?
We wondered if anybody ever replied, "Boughten, of course!"
when I was a kid, my cousin told me about someone getting their shoelaces caught in an escalator. I've been terrified of them since. I either take the elevator or the stairs. Or I'll ride up and jump over the last step (I think DH prefers I take the elevator
I voted once a year..........but it is probably more like every other year. Sometimes once a year, sometimes twice a year, and so far...not at all this year..... AND actually a little less than $100 ($5-$10 less - including the tip) and there are always 3 of us
And I order a drink or two.

ETA: And I must say, I LOVE Charleston, SC. I have been known to make the almost 4 hour ONE WAY trip just to eat at certain restaurants there. To the tune of $60-$100 for two people. THEN I drive almost 4 hours back home a very happy person
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It's nice not to figure out what to make for dinner, or if I have the right ingredients, or the clean up afterward. DH doesn't like to go out as much- but then again, he doesn't grocery shop, keep food inventory, cook (will about once every other week), clean up afterwards (ditto to the cooking).............

Plus, at fine dining, I really enjoy the ambience, and people watching.
When we're rich again we'll do it more often, right now it's just a couple times a year or less.

There's a couple restaurants that we really like - one place, the chef will do a meal once in a while with all wild foods - so in the spring I can get a meal made with morels, fiddleheads and wild ramps. He will also do a special meal if you call him ahead and tell him what you want, so if you want to stick with vegetarian, he'll make you a special meal. But you just give him a general idea and he wants to take off from there and surprise you.

The menu changes all the time. He makes a decadent creamed lentil tapenade and he makes an outrageous grapefruit custard. He has mad skills. The meals are 4 courses and the amazing thing is you can walk out of there without feeling like you are going to explode.

It's just a really nice place. It's quiet, the lights are low and every once in a while, I like to go somewhere other than Hoggy's, LOL.

Oh - and when we go to a professional sports event, it usually comes up to that much, for gas, tickets, parking, souvenirs and food...more if we have to pay someone to come in and feed the animals.
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my vote went to - no are you out of your mind

let me start off with i am not married but,if i was i still wouldn't spend that much.i think i can make a better meal than any fancy restaurant.drag out the grill or smoker add ribs,steak,or chicken....done.

no but, i will fry up some frog legs

wine..... homemade is best (blueberries are just now starting to come in - hope to have about 10 gallons started by the first of next week.)

suit & tie required ? not gonna happen.heck i dont own either one
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Frog legs are good too. And if you have never had escargot, don't knock it. I used to be grossed out by the thought, and I will always try something once. I tried the escargot and the rest is history. That little flaky pastry puff, the garlic the butter.
If you don't count fundraisers and events, no, never. But large part is that neither DH or I drink alcohol, and I only drink water usually. Now, to take all the kids out, 100 easy, which is why it is a rare occasion.
Honestly, I think the most expensive meal I have ever eaten was a hair over $50 at a restaurant that we went to before prom. I thought it was ridiculous and I could have cooked the exact same meal at home for about $8 for the two of us. Now even with three kids and the husband and I, we go out together as a family once per year and it costs around $40, of course I have three toddlers that most likely share one meal. It just seems silly to spend that much on food....but my brother has been to a Japanese steakhouse about 45 minutes from here and it's pricey at about $120 per couple, but he claims they have amazing sushi (never tried it, but would love to), and they have a very large menu of some rather rare seafoods.
I'm not sure if my husband and I have ever spent that much. There was a killer german restaurant where we used to live, but I think that was about 60-70 dollars once a year for us. I do love really top quality food though, and I could see spending that much for special occasions. I couldn't personally justify it as a common or frequent thing though, just because of my views on life. However, when we do have money, our dinner ingredients (that we cook) tend to get higher in quality and price. Food and pets, those tend to be where our interest and money goes. Atmosphere wise, I actually really dislike fancy restaurants. I prefer a freshly shot pheasant shared with a farming family, hand gathered mushroom dinners with friends, hole in the walls, relaxed atmospheres, etc. Most upscale restaurant atmospheres actually detract from the eating experience for me.

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