A hundred bucks a meal? Are you guys pulling my leg? With poll

How many of you spend a hundred dollars on a meal for a couple?

  • I do weekly

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I do monthly

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I do yearly

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I have, but only a few times

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I never have but would like to

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No! Are you outta your everlovin' mind?!

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
My daughter lives in Beaufort, SC, and they routinely drive to Chas for the BBQ, but I don't think it's quite $100! And yeah, if I was anywhere NEAR Calabash, NC, I would definitely pay that kind of money (occasionally) for their seafood!!!

I totally agree with all those who've said it's a location thing, tho. When I was overseas, I frequently spent that kind of money in one outing, but I haven't done that in YEARS. Mostly I felt I was paying for a unique dining experience rather than a meal. Peking duck in Beijing ($45 apiece) just wouldn't have the same intrigue/allure as it would in Seattle. At the same time, military bases often have very, VERY nice restaraunts where one could have an awesome meal and beverage for less than $25 a person, so I felt the trade off was worth it at the time.

Can't see doing that now, tho! Besides, considering where I live, I would be hard pressed to even FIND a place with those kind of prices...

For example: Couple years ago, my (not so) DSS called and invited us out to brunch to "Thank Bonnie for all her work finding me an apartment, furniture..." blah blah blah.
We met him at the local restaraunt/lounge and started with a Bloody Mary each. DH and I each ordered conservative breakfasts while DSS ordered steak and eggs, sides of gravy, extra biscuits, milk, juice, etc. He continued with 4 or 5 more Bloody Mary's while we switched to water. Well, football came on the big screen, some of the Kid's friends came in and he went (with the first of several beers) to play pool while we had a couple beers and watched the game.
Some time later I went to the ladies, and when I came back, DSS had gone and left us with the tab.
DH didn't have any money on him, so $90 went on my card.

Did I mention that it was Mother's Day?!

MUCH later, once I'd calmed down a bit, I realized that $90 (that included a generous tip) was pretty daggumed reasonable considering the amount of food and beverage we had...

Guess I kind of went off on a tangent there, but it's late!
Please forgive the vent tacked onto an answer!!
Lobster Avocado at Prasino (local restraunt). Once in a while, I find myself texting DH "I'm just too tired, can I meet ya'll at prasino for lobster avocado" and there it is, easily a hundred dollar dinner. More, if I get that expensive glass of wine. But that's dinner for 5, not just 2 of us.

If my life were simpler (or if I were smarter), I think I'd be more frugal; I'd have more energy for preparation, planning, staying on my feet to cook, etc. Also, I work too many days with dying and suffering people; I'm just too excited that I can sit independently and feed myself, and so can my family (at present), so I'm more often willing (if I'm able) to indulge life than most. I don't believe I deserve it any more than anybody. I have to 'fess up though, that I believe I am too tired to judge soundly whether I should! Lobster Avocado is a little like naps to me........anybody who can, really ought to....

Anyhow here's the recipe if you have the energy for it, but don't want to shell out $14 per plate:
I voted: No! Are you outta your everlovin' mind?!

Not a chance. No way. I just can't do it. I see it as a waste of money, and I prefer to waste money in other ways.

I am really not a very social person. I don't even like to go out to eat. I enjoy home cooked meals and eating at home, especially when I don't have to do the cookin'!
I HATE to get dressed up and go out. Heck, I don't even like to get dressed to go to the grocery store. I am totally in my element at home, in my winter sweats or summer "Good Will throw away looking clothes," with my chickens.

Likewise, we don't vacation, don't go to movies, don't drink, etc.....
I am FAR from fruggle, I am just picky about where and how I waste my money.

$100. ???? ONE meal? Naw, can't do it. Well, I could do it, just choose not to.
a few times a year... but it's gotta be some real special reason... and it's gotta be real good food and awesome service.
the most I've spent was 150 for dinner for two they were 2 huge 6 plus pound lobsters with all the trimmings plus drinks.
I left a 40 dollar tip so that would make the whole dinner 190 and change.
I can't imagine only spending 200 a month on grocerys I can easily spend 350 -400 in one week, food must be cheap where
you live here a dozen eggs "store brand" are 3.00 a dozen a loaf of good bread 3.89, milk 2.79 half gallon having a well paying job priceless LOL.
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My husband and I are on a tight budget 99% of the time. We splurge on our anniversary. We put away $10 per month all year long in an envelope so that on our anniversary, we can go out to dinner at our favorite restaurant. Depending on what we order, the bill is easily around $100. The salad bar, side caesar salad or soup is $7 each. We usually get the macadamia nut and coconut crusted haddock filet, served with a pineapple beurre blanc. It is fabulous! That runs $21.95 each. We each get 1 drink and they are $9 each then we get 1 dessert and split it because their dessert portions are huge and with a tip we are usually right at $100 for 1 meal. Yes it makes me cringe, but we do not spend money on ourselves all year long. So if you average it out to $10 per month, it doesn't seem so bad. We really look forward to doing this each year as our special celebration. We could never afford to just go there because, so we do plan and save for it.
Me and my husband only dis this once, but my mom had a gift certificate for another one and took me and my daughter with her. With my husband it was at a place called Aquarium in Houston. It is an amazing restaurant that serves exotic seafood. They have one of the largest indoor aquariums in the US and it was amazing! It was a very special occasion as my husband had gotten me tickets to see (in my opinion) the best cellist in the world. It was an amazing and very special date, the first weekend we had ever had away and just the 2 of us and kind of our honeymoon since we didn't have one when we got married. The other with my mom was about 5 years ago and she had won a $120 gift certificate to one of the more upscale steak houses where we lived. Even with the gift certificate we sstill had to pay $30 for our meal
There's this local resteraunt where it's $6 for a big bowl of chips, $5 for steak and chips, and $20 for risotto. No way I'd spend $100! The food there is really good too.
A guy I was dating once years ago took me to a very fancy hotel brunch that featured a harpist in an evening gown (that looked like Judy Tenuta would love it), wearing above-the-elbow white gloves, and there was a gigantic ice sculpture of a swan on the buffet table.

I could NOT stop giggling. It was just too she-she for me.

I like nice food, but how in the world does anyone play a harp while wearing white gloves, ROFL!!!!!

Well - not too well!!!! A piece by Bach was sounding a little like 'Sharp Dressed Man', LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OH! What's the difference between a pizza and a harpist?

A pizza can feed a family of four!!!!

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