Advice needed for 2 special needs chicks, will not be culling


5 Years
Jun 22, 2015
My daughter's friend contacted us when her Agway got in a new shipment of baby chicks earlier today. 2 were special needs. A Barred Rocks with an enlarged eye and a Bantam with trouble standing and moving. A brief Google search makes me think the eye issue isn't the coryza because the eyeball is bulging, not swollen. She can open it. After getting her home, I noticed that she has one leg that she holds weirdly and she is very wobbly when walking.

The Bantam sits on its tush with legs spread straight in front. They do tuck under easily and there is full movement though the grip is weak. It can stand very briefly so I think it is likely some sort of hip issue rather than a spinal issue.

I'll include photos. Any advice is appreciated. I have a small zoo of pets so I can handle just about any special care needed which is why I agreed to take them.


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The little sebright in the first pic could have a slipped tendon, but hard to know. I would probably get some Poultry Cell and give a couple of drops daily by dropper to both. Some use PolyVisol without iron 2-3 drops daily. Mix some very watery feed and try hand feeding them. If you could post more pictures in a couple of days or a short video, that might be helpful. Here is some info on slipped tendons:
The little sebright in the first pic could have a slipped tendon, but hard to know. I would probably get some Poultry Cell and give a couple of drops daily by dropper to both. Some use PolyVisol without iron 2-3 drops daily. Mix some very watery feed and try hand feeding them. If you could post more pictures in a couple of days or a short video, that might be helpful. Here is some info on slipped tendons:
Thank you. I'll look at the link right now. Eileen, the barred rocks is opening her eye more now, its definite enlarged and she's likely blind in that eye as its somewhat cloudy looking. Kate, the Bantam, has managed to drink water without assistance and walk sort of normally for a few inches a couple times. I'm holding out hope that they'll be able to join the rest of girls eventually. (Betty a 5-year-old Buff Rocks, and the 7 "normal" chicks we got this year for her since Betty lost her last sister just before winter started.)
I've read the link but I'm a very visual person. I looked up some images and I think Eileen may have a slipped tendon in one leg. The joint is slightly larger than the other and she does hold it out to the side like some of the images but I've never even seen this before. I've had chickens periodically throughout my life and never once had this issue (or any other besides predation so I'm guessing I've been miraculously lucky with my previous flocks) with any of them so I'm completely at a loss as to what I'm supposed to be feeling to indicate that this is the situation. Kate's legs are neither out to the side nor swollen in any way and both are equally affected. I did get video but byc says they're not supported so I'll have to figure out how to upload those another way.
The little sebright in the first pic could have a slipped tendon, but hard to know. I would probably get some Poultry Cell and give a couple of drops daily by dropper to both. Some use PolyVisol without iron 2-3 drops daily. Mix some very watery feed and try hand feeding them. If you could post more pictures in a couple of days or a short video, that might be helpful. Here is some info on slipped tendons:
Uploaded as private videos on YouTube since I can't attach as a file here. I'm hoping tomorrow looks better since I've only had them about 5 hours.

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