advice: never do this..


11 Years
Mar 4, 2011
Never eat ice cream and then drink orange juice. I have the WORST stomachache of my life. Been killing me since 11 this morning. Kill me now....
Oh No !!!! Sounds like the acid from the OJ may have stirred up some lactose intolerance symptoms....

I also heard never eat cherries and drink milk .... don't know what it does, warning was enough for me to never try it LOL

Nothing worse than a stomach ache ....

Try some ginger root can grate some fresh into tea or you can also get capsules at the pharmacy in the vitamin/supplement section.

I hope you feel better ....
My mom would dissolve baking soda in some water and drink it quickly to help with stomach aches. You could try that. It should diffuse the acid.
Hey, that's basically an Orange Julius. But I can't even stand to sip an orange julius, no less the ingredients separately back to back.
Sorry your stomach's upset...has anything helped it like an antacid? Maybe it was just bad timing with something else going on in your system. Was the orange juice fresh and stored properly?
Same with all my family. They adore them, too! I don't care for the drink, but I've never known anyone to get a stomach problem if they can drink OJ normally without an issue. Back in the 60's ChrisTown in Phx had an OJulius bar that I could not appreciate as a tiny kid, lol.

When I was a tween I got on a kick for bologna & mustard sandwiches with OJ chaser. Ew, lol.

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