Alternative to Layers Pellets or Crumble...anyone used Garvo Alfamix?


In the Brooder
Jul 24, 2020
East of England, UK, Europe
Anyone used Garvo Alfamix or some other non-pellet/crumb feed?

I know it is expensive, I only have 2 hens and whatever will make them happy and healthy is fine by me. One of them is currently not eating the layers pellets or crumb but it may be because is is just out of date - I had no idea these feeds had such a short shelf life!

Any views or comments welcome.
bus bump GIF
Anyone used Garvo Alfamix or some other non-pellet/crumb feed?

I know it is expensive, I only have 2 hens and whatever will make them happy and healthy is fine by me. One of them is currently not eating the layers pellets or crumb but it may be because is is just out of date - I had no idea these feeds had such a short shelf life!

Any views or comments welcome.

If the food you have is out of date, you could just buy a new bag, instead of buying something different.

If your chickens do not like the current pellets or crumbs, I suggest you sniff the food (see if it smells spoiled), and look to see if there is any mold.

If it looks fine and smells fine, try putting some in a bowl and adding water. Chickens usually like it a lot better when it is wet. (You could continue to leave some dry, so they can eat if they are extra-hungry, but serve them some wet each day if they do like it better.)

If Garvo Alfamix is a feed that has whole grains mixed with other things, your chickens might eat their favorite grains and skip the rest. But if they only eat their favorite parts, they do not get all the right nutrients, and that is not healthy for them.
Thanks both for your input.

I know you are right about sticking to same food. The food they have is only a week or so out of date, it doesn't smell bad, it is kept indoors and has no mould. One bag I have not long bought and expires at the end of this month. Age can surely not be the problem.

I do give them their feed in a bowl with water and it does increase the amount they eat but this one hen has just stopped eating it. She is well and will eat anything else she is offered. Obviously I have now stopped offering them anything else, so today she has eaten some but she clearly is not keen. I would like them to enjoy their feed as well as any treats. I don't feel able to give the other hen any treats if this one isn't having any.

Their current feed is the Small Holder Range Layers crumble and pellets. If I was feeding them the cheapest value feed I could understand it maybe. :rolleyes:

She has just started laying eggs again, had a break for the winter and has been very, very agitated with the egg laying - in and out of the coop, restless when she is in the nest box, haranguing the other poor hen when she is trying to lay. Has calmed down over past few days but has now stopped eating the feed. I'm not too bothered in that I know she won't starve, but I just want them to be happy!
Thanks both for your input.

I know you are right about sticking to same food. The food they have is only a week or so out of date, it doesn't smell bad, it is kept indoors and has no mould. One bag I have not long bought and expires at the end of this month. Age can surely not be the problem.

I do give them their feed in a bowl with water and it does increase the amount they eat but this one hen has just stopped eating it. She is well and will eat anything else she is offered. Obviously I have now stopped offering them anything else, so today she has eaten some but she clearly is not keen. I would like them to enjoy their feed as well as any treats. I don't feel able to give the other hen any treats if this one isn't having any.

Their current feed is the Small Holder Range Layers crumble and pellets. If I was feeding them the cheapest value feed I could understand it maybe. :rolleyes:

She has just started laying eggs again, had a break for the winter and has been very, very agitated with the egg laying - in and out of the coop, restless when she is in the nest box, haranguing the other poor hen when she is trying to lay. Has calmed down over past few days but has now stopped eating the feed. I'm not too bothered in that I know she won't starve, but I just want them to be happy!
You say "eating everything else that is offered."

Stop feeding everything else.
Feeding this 'everythibg else' can be causing her to not be getting a balanced diet which will cause problems.
Like mentioned feeding the feed with water works for me. Once they get bored of wet I move back to dry. But it sounds like you have already tried that.

Maybe try hand feeding? However you give them treats if that is any different. With my girls if it is served like a treat they eat it as a treat.
Totally agree with Kiki - stop providing them "all other food" and give only wet feed.
I had the same problem with my flock when I first switched grower feed to layer feed. Like you, I never even noticed there was a difference in freshness of feed. I thought it's the problem with feed, or perhaps I left them out roaming in the yard too long.

I set out to search for "good feed - high protein and tasty" for them. Thanks to great suggestions from folks in this forum, I was able to find a good variety of feeds, experimented with small bags and settled on one by mail order.
For about two months, I also explored all different methods (FF, wet feed, different time of day, growing fodder, etc). Like you, I just wanted them to be happy and eat their food!!! In the end, I found out the key was to STOP all treats, and give them strictly only fodder and wet feed. I gradually reduced the wetness of the feed till sometimes I'd leave them almost all dry pellets. I measured and observed how much I gave them, and how much was left daily. To my surprise, one day, they finished ALL the feed I left out for them, and have been doing so daily. (They also have access to unlimited dry pellets from auto feeders, with oyster shell and grits on the side.) Now I am extremely careful and disciplined in giving them treats like sunflower seeds and meal worms.

In general, all the experts say "the treats can't be more than 10% of their daily diet". I finally realized how little 10% is. Each hen eats about 1/4lb of feed daily, that really is not very much, 10% is almost nothing. Our good intention of giving them treats can easily fill them up with unbalanced calories!
You say "eating everything else that is offered."

Stop feeding everything else.
Feeding this 'everythibg else' can be causing her to not be getting a balanced diet which will cause problems.
Hahaha! Yes, you are absolutely right, which is why, as I said, I have stopped feeding them everything else! Thanks for taking the time to respond tho :)
I've feed mash before, which was like ground corn.
Interesting, did they like it? Is it a balanced diet? Thank you :)
Maybe try hand feeding? However you give them treats if that is any different. With my girls if it is served like a treat they eat it as a treat.
Totally agree! One hen will gobble it up if I offer it to her by hand, this 'troublesome' one will turn her beak up or just peck my hand!

Thanks linguini for that, what feed do you give them now?

I am aware that the 'feed' is a complete diet and they do not need anything else. What I wondered was, did anyone have any experience of the Garvo Alfamix which is considered a complete feed?

I've ordered some today as thought it worth a try. I have read very good reviews elsewhere online. Thanks all for your suggestions, much appreciated.

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