American(Buff, Blue, Lavander,etc.)goose thread! Post pics!

My turkeys and geese and chickens all free range together also, and I also have had no problems. There are diseases out there that turkeys can pass on to other poultry, but my personal opinion is that the scare of putting them together has been blown a little out of proportion recently. The average homesteader with descent bio-security measures in place and good animal husbandry skills will no sooner have his animals fall prey to a disease brought in by a turkey than one that came in on the soles of its owner's my opinion only !!! Environment, feed, stress, health and general well-being, among others, all play an important role in whether or not a particular animal gets a particular disease. So again, in my opinion only, if we all practice due diligence with regards to all of our barnyard buddies, there should be no real threat to any of them. There are exceptions to this of course, and I make no attempt to include every possible scenario in my opinions.

thank you everyone for heping me determined what she is, (the one on the left) they have finally welcomed her in.

This was a happy scene from last spring. Hoping for good results like then, this year. Thinking of warm spring instead of cold autumn/winter. Anyone else with American Buffs with updates?
I'm prepairing For breeding season as well as next fall, when my geese will go to shows

Poor pinkie hurt her leg really bad a few weeks ago, she has always had foot problems but the problems have healed by themselves like so many times before. But like I said a few weeks ago she hurt her leg and it swelled to about the size of a horses hoof. She was in solitary for a while and now the leg has again healed itself and she not even limping, scared of breeding her though I don't want to pass on bad leg genetics, but she is good show quality and that needs to go into the babies this year.




This was a happy scene from last spring. Hoping for good results like then, this year. Thinking of warm spring instead of cold autumn/winter. Anyone else with American Buffs with updates?
I love that pic from last spring, I hope you have many gosling to love this year flockman.

I'm prepairing For breeding season as well as next fall, when my geese will go to shows

Poor pinkie hurt her leg really bad a few weeks ago, she has always had foot problems but the problems have healed by themselves like so many times before. But like I said a few weeks ago she hurt her leg and it swelled to about the size of a horses hoof. She was in solitary for a while and now the leg has again healed itself and she not even limping, scared of breeding her though I don't want to pass on bad leg genetics, but she is good show quality and that needs to go into the babies this year.

They are gorgeous buff goose guy, hope you win many ribbons at the shows.
My lil Buff is so adorable and so curious I wish i had a mate for her but since I don't I doubt I'll let her hatch any goslings.

6 months old in 2 day.
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