Any Home Bakers Here?

That was his supposition.

But this is the lad whom refused to believe he was eating kangaroo. I was cooking steaks one night when he stopped by, I told him they were kangaroo, he said fine, we were there eating later, he commented on how nice meat was, I told him that that kangaroo meat is better than beef in a lot of regards... He went home and several days later told me he couldn't find any at the supermarket. The next time we were there together I showed him where it was, he questioned why it wasn't with the other steak cuts I said because it's kangaroo... He brought and ate it twice more more my sister finally realised and explained that kangaroo was where meat came from and not the cut.
So he thought he was really eating Kangaroo? right?
:lol: So he thought he was really eating Kangaroo? right?

Initially he thought it was a cut of steak, I don't know why, now he knows it's kangaroo.

But this the kid whom refused to believe discmen were actually popular, hauling a case of CDs around was too weird for him. Sigh.

Kids today.
Initially he thought it was a cut of steak, I don't know why, now he knows it's kangaroo.

But this the kid whom refused to believe discmen were actually popular, hauling a case of CDs around was too weird for him. Sigh.

Kids today.
So it was actually kangaroo? I guess i am lost
I don't know who discmen are either lol
wrong generation I guess.
Back from the zoo, it was fun. Now I'm pooped, we spent 4 hours there and did lots of walking. I took a ton of photos and am looking forward to seeing how they look downloaded. We got lucky and finished up right as it started to rain. @sunflour and @Miss Lydia , if I had known you like zoos, we could have arranged a meet up in front of the lions or tigers or bears, lol.

I've never had emu or kangaroo but I've had buffalo several times and that's good. It's very lean so you have to be careful not to dry it out while cooking but it is good stuff. It used to be easy enough to find in KS but I haven't seen any in FL.
Aww please share some pics I'd love to see the zoo now. Buffalo same as Bison? I think so they sell it in the stores here. There is a farm in Western NC who raises Bison.
Bison is good! but they want too much for it. Not paying $20 per pound for ground meat.
Unfortunately, it seems like the price of beef is headed in that direction also...

When I was in high school, we had a foreign exchange student from Australia for one semester. Really cool guy, loved his accent - especially when he talked about hunting Kangaroos. Funny stories! He said they mainly eat the tail - not sure if he was showing off and telling tall tales or not, but I had to believe him ... tall, blond, blue eyed ... I probably would have believed anything he told me. Hey, I was only 15 years old at the time! My first crush...

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