Any Reason to Keep a Cockerel?

Im sure it's frowned upon, but we just tell our kids to fight back. We have 5 boys under 12.

They arm themselves with sticks, nerf guns and anything else, and enjoy the challenge.

This doesn't account for a mature rooster who is mean. We would never keep one around. But the boys love working as a team when there is a feisty cockerel in town - and frankly it is entertaining to watch them go to battle.

"I got this!! Get the eggs, GO GO GO!" Says the 10 year old as he takes a warriors stance, while the 5 year old runs with a wicker basket flopping all over.
LoL what great memories
This is a must.

Last week honey jumped into the goat pasture and has decided to live there, which is okay i suppose. Two older hens who don't lay much anymore have joined him. I think he officially retired 😂

Trying to feed them with the goats present is more of a challenge than with the other rooster though. But I think I got it.
Unrelated, but this triggered something I saw yesterday that I can't stop chuckling over. It was a short video congratulating keepers for warning newbies about "Chicken Math," while lamenting the fact that they forgot to explain "Goat-iplicity!"

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