Anyone know the percentage of people who have chickens, and how many people want to have chickens, b


9 Years
Jun 23, 2011
For school I need to write a persuasive essay, so I decided to write why the government should allow everyone the option of having chickens. To start out my paper I would like to say how many people have chickens (or the percentage), and how many people want chickens but cannot have any. I want to try to bring out how chickens are important, and such. I already have the reasons on WHY people should be allowed chickens, and the cons (with rebuttals, of course), but can't find any information on how many people have chickens or how many people want chickens but are not allowed.

Any help with my question would be much appreciated! I'm not asking help with my paper, just the numbers of people with chickens/people who want chickens.

A while back I saw a thread about how the gov used to want everybody to raise chickens...maybe also check there just in case some stats were mentioned?

Polls can be impressive (I don't know of any with info on how many want chickens but can't have them) but maybe you could post a poll here on BYC and use the info in your report? Most people here probably own or want chickens
, but they could still post if they have chickens, and the number of people they know who would want chickens but can't have them. (Of the people I know of, 12 would like chickens but can't have them.) Even if polls are not real accurate, people can still be impressed by them.
I'd love to know what the actual statistics are. I live in a fairly rural part of Tennessee and it seems as if a fairly high percentage of my neighbors have at least a few chickens...but some people that I KNOW have chickens keep them in coops in their back yards where if I didn't know them personally you'd never know that they have chickens. many of my other neighbors have chickens?

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