Anyone Setting eggs on 4/10/12??? Want to hatch with me?

day 6 and i can see something moving in them all, I'm so excited i cant wait.

Isn't it great!!?? Its one of my favoriet parts of hatching, seeing the first movement. You know your doing something right!
Can I get in on this hatch too? I set eggs yesterday (the 11th) but I just realized as I was typing that I didn't count how many I squeezed in there. So I'll have to update you on that. I'm hatching Blue Laced Red Wyandottes from my own flock in a Brinsea 20.

This is my third hatch this year and the previous two have gone terribly. 7 out of 32 on the first go and 5 out of 31 on the second. Both times I had almost 100% fertility, and most made it to lockdown, but then only the handful hatched. Since they're hatching on schedule on day 21, I don't think it's the temperature, so it must be the humidity? Last year I had a lot of success with dry hatches, so that's what I did again this year, but I think I'm going to go back to the instruction manual and try this one with the advised 45% humidity days 1-18 and then up to 65% for lockdown and see if that does the trick.

Any advice would be appreciated. I'm not sure why I'm having such a tough time this year!

ohhhhh, I have been wanting some Wyandottes so bad!!! Jealious!!

Gosh, sorry about the bad numbers on your previous hatches. That sucks. I would think that it must be the humidity since they are making it to lockdown. Hmmm I wonder what the difference is, and why the bad luck for you this year. Maybe the weather is different this year (less stormy, lower humidity outside) just a thought

So glad you are joining us! Sending good hatching vibes your way!!
Ok..... I am have horrible problems with my thermometers!! I just went and bought a new digital with a probe that is made for reptiles and such. I checked the temp in an ice water slush mixture and it said 32.4. Do you guys think that this is accurate? I have done this method in the past with mercury thermometers and it seemed to work
any advice? If this thermometer is correct I think that my eggs have been running at about 95
Are my eggs dead, or just slower to develop? I would guess that to cool is better than to hot if anything...
Ok..... I am have horrible problems with my thermometers!! I just went and bought a new digital with a probe that is made for reptiles and such. I checked the temp in an ice water slush mixture and it said 32.4. Do you guys think that this is accurate? I have done this method in the past with mercury thermometers and it seemed to work
any advice? If this thermometer is correct I think that my eggs have been running at about 95
Are my eggs dead, or just slower to develop? I would guess that to cool is better than to hot if anything...
They should not be dead. The temperature being lower just causes them to develop slower.
Ok..... I am have horrible problems with my thermometers!! I just went and bought a new digital with a probe that is made for reptiles and such. I checked the temp in an ice water slush mixture and it said 32.4. Do you guys think that this is accurate? I have done this method in the past with mercury thermometers and it seemed to work
any advice? If this thermometer is correct I think that my eggs have been running at about 95
Are my eggs dead, or just slower to develop? I would guess that to cool is better than to hot if anything...

Why did you get a new thermometer? It's too early to tell if they're dead.
day 7 after candling everthings well 3 normal eggs and one humongus egg which definitely has 2 chickies in there! i just cant wait do you think the twin chickies are going to make it, any one else had success with twins?
May I join also?

Set on 4/2 DUE 4/30 and after candling I now have:

4 Turkey
6 Call Duck

Set today 4/12 DUE 5/3

6 Porcelain D'Uccle
15 Golden Cuckoo Maran

So, I guess I have some due before some of you and some due after. Good luck to everyone!

i didnt know what to do before coming on here so every one is helping each other and good luck to everyone!
Welcome!! I have been thinking of getting some Austalorps, I have heard such wonderful things about the breed. Especially there ability to lay in the cold dark days of winter, what has been your experience?

I love my australorps! Mine are getting old,(about 4 years) so they slowed considerably this winter, but did decent with an added light. They are very sweet birds. Rooster is very tame, someone really has to provoke him good to get him to chase anything! I'll always have some around.

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