Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

I used to have a Raquel Welch yoga video and really enjoyed it. It was relaxing but still a good workout. I used to get so irritated at the other tv fitness ppl. They were so bubbly and full of bouncy energy first thing in the morning. I didn't feel like jumping and bouncing....I wanted to rip their heads off. lol. I might try to find the dvd. Its prob from the 80's!
I am soooo hungry right now!! If you are a woman you know that time of the month you feel like you can eat the fridge--aaaaghh!!!
I am trying to make a good decision but pasta sounds so good right now... I just drank a big glass of water hoping to curb this appetite right now. Fortunately the freezer only has Skinny Cow Ice Cream treats--thank goodness for them!
hi Im back. still 143 pounds and 5'6". however, I have started working out. I don't think I'm going to change my diet because I already eat pretty healthy and only have treats on occasion. hopefully the excercise works
I am still eating my oatmeal with banana and frozen blueberries each am.Half a cup(even less) cooks up to a big bowl. I have noticed that I want to eat after eating.I always complained when family would eat after a meal,and now here I am doing it! I have gotten some fozen blueberries and raspberries to snack on.Peaches too but they taste bland so I will buy low sugar canned fruit and blend up my own frozen fruits.

I also scanned the library cooking aisle and found a book I like a lot called A Taste of Lebanon.Lot of vegetarian dishes.Only missing a detailed nutritional listing,which I like to know cals/fiber.Oh well it is still good.

On a non-dieting note I also came acorss a Dr.Sear book called NDD,which is nutritional deficit disorder. This is my ds for sure. There are some recipes at the end that I plan to use for all of us,but fingers crossed I can get him to eat better by eating wholesome foods instead of premade ones.

Does anyone know if I can use a blender for grinding up chicken breast? I should probably ask dh for a food processor or whatever it is call.I want to make a chicken nugget for ds.

Walk away the pounds are decent enough videos though I prefer to put on some headphones and listen to my own music while watching the video.

I also unplugged our Wii.No idea it was a fire hazard.I read that about toasters before but not the Wii.Waiting till the 2nd of Feb. to check my weight.Will do it once a month otherwise I will obsess daily on the scale.
chickerdoodle, if your monthly hormones are making u crave pasta, try some whole wheat pasta with marinera etc and just be sure to only have a serving! We're actually making a pasta dish tonight from WW that is only 5 pts. It's the fettucine with shrimp and asparagus (is was supposed to be salmon but I found if I make it with shrimp I can add parmesean cheese and it is still only 5 pts and plus DS doesn't like salmon)
Well right now I am eating some scrambled eggs (2) no salt, 1/2 slice low fat cheese, and 1 piece of multigrain toast with a little butter and that's it. Daughter happens to love it, and I guess I do to. I'm grateful our chickens eggs are flavorful at least and don't really need anything added.

I'm doing searches for low fat and low cal recipes on there are a ton of them.... some even have the calorie and fat content listed. If I find some good one's should I share them here so we're not all eating salad and cardboard all day?
Ohh... try some low fat whipped cream without adding sugar. Its very buttery tasting and will leave the sugar out. Also... try putting those berries and fruiting into a regular garden salad to spice that up a bit. I found a wonderful strawberry balsamic vinegarette with only 20 calories a serving, and throwing in some raspberries really makes a huge difference!

Or make some fruit butter (I'm anti fake butter, the real stuff is good for you if you don't eat it 10x a day) put it in a food processor with room temp butter whip it and use it to add to some whole grain toast. These things are good for giving you energy!

Long as you drink water all day you shouldn't feel guilty for eating natural foods.
I love salsa on my eggs!!

And I make my own that is fat free!!! top it off with a shot of Franks red hot! I put that s@*&* on everything!
mmmyummy! That sounds delish! I LOVE homemade salsa! Wish I had time to make my own...that will be on my to do list for this fall maybe!

Also I really like your fruit butter idea- you use regular store bought butter?

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