Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

Sure do, just buy the butter sticks and let them soften on the counter. I also whip some up with basil and make basil or other herb butters for bread. Just get the salt free butter.

Ok, I need to stop I am NOT helping the diet thread!!!!
May I suggest, its because you are eating only carbs?
Trying to eat fat free and and loading on carbs, just creates cravings, and rightly so, as you are depleting yourself of good nutrition.
Before the days of modern processed foods, heart disease and obesity, a diet that was high in natural saturated fats, moderate in protein and carbs was standard fare for most people.

If you prefer oats, try this one morning, and see how you feel.
1 cup cut oats
1 cup water
2 tbsp of either yogurt or lemon juice

Mix together & let sit overnight.

In the morning, add another 1 cup water, and about a 1/4 tsp salt.
Heat gently. When it is getting close to the right consistency, add 2 tbsp butter and finish cooking.
Serve with plenty of either real butter or real cream, and either real maple syrup or raw honey for sweetner.

The soaking neutrilizes the phytic acid found in all grains and seeds, which are very hard on diegstion, mineral absorption and area also cavity causing.
You will likely find that oats made and eaten this way, will actually stick with you all morning.
I went to my annual ob/gyn visit. Of course they weigh you there, what is it with those scales at Dr's offices? There's no way that number was correct! and it had that BMI info crap on there! That thing read 15 lbs over what my scale at home said! And they write that info down in your file!
Stop wearing cement shoes to your appointments! Once I stopped doing that, the doctors' scales read only 14 lbs over.
Stop wearing cement shoes to your appointments! Once I stopped doing that, the doctors' scales read only 14 lbs over.

Know what's really scary? Maybe there is something wrong with my scale! I just thought of that. Oh and it doesn't help that a few days ago I got rid of all that darn chocolate that was lurking in the pantry. We can't have all that stuff laying around can we?
Well, I know for certain that my home scale is possessed. One day it reads 133, then the next it reads 191. I know I sometimes retain water, but REALLY.

BTW, remember when you are at a doctor's appointment fully clothed, heavy shoes, and later in the day after you've eaten and started retaining water than if you weighed yourself straight out of bed in the morning. I weigh myself then without my glasses on. My glasses clearly weigh at least 12 pounds.
Good to see others doing WW here, I really like the points program. My husband is also joining me for the journey, we are both in need of shedding lbs, and maintaining a healthier lifestyle. This is not our first time on WW, and although I am not attending meetings I am signed up for the program online. My weigh in's are on Friday, I generally don't try to step on the scale before that day. I've found if I step on the scale on off days and I don't see what I like, I end up sabotaging my diet.

Last week was a really hard week, I felt hungry all week long. This week went really well, I've found that planning my meals a week or a couple days at a time, and actually cooking helps. I've never been much of a cook, but it sure makes a difference. Dinner is really the only meal I need to plan since the family is all here at that time. Breakfast, lunch I generally keep pretty simple for myself, Poached eggs & Progresso Light soups have been a big hit.

I have a form of MD so exercise is limited, I am not suppose to fatigue muscles, so walking or swimming will be my best bet. I have a rowing machine, but it's so extremely boring that I dread the work out.

Breakfast-Yogurt & Banana-4pts
Lunch-Progresso Chicken Barley soup-2 pts.
Dinner-Tostada's, haven't calculated it yet.
Tina, My DH is doing it with me too, I have to say I am SOOOOO jealous of how many more points he gets!!! He tries to eat the same things as me, but then when he has my whole allowence left practically he ends up wanting a snack or something and I can't have it unless I use my extra points :-( (which btw I've found I'm only successful really if I use less than half my weekly points and NONE of my activity points!)
Glad you're liking WW so much though, I always have liked it and it's the only way I ever lose weight. I feel like this time I really am adapting to the change in lifestyle unlike before. Fast food and big heavy meals turn me off now.

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