Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

I think my choclate craving is due to the same, however I never know for sure since my hysterectomy. I still have my ovaries so I still get the cravings and some of the other things. I didn't eat a lot of the choc. covered raisins, just a handful. Thanks for the suggestion.
I am down 2.2 today. That makes me feel so good, total weigh gone is 9 lbs, the WW site informed me I was losing to quickly
I don't know how to slow it down since I am doing it the way they instruct. I haven't really tracked my points this week, but I'm pretty sure Im close.

vfem-Good for you to quit smoking.
I quit last year and I'm so glad I did, felt good to get that monkey off my back. Here in Portland you can't smoke anywhere safely anymore other then your own home. No more smoking in bars, and must be so many feet from any public building when smoking. What use to be such a sociable except thing, is now totally frowned upon and I hated getting all the dirty looks. You can do it..

Well, I'm off to work..Have a good day all.
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I am down to 173 this morning! Only 23 more to go, and I can't wait. I did a little cardio, but dangit I just get distracted so often I can't stick to anything!!! Oh well, maybe eventually I'll get a routine exercise time going. Maybe when I first wake since I usually light up, maybe just roll out of bed and workout instead
I hope I don't start gaining back any weight..
I've been trying but my DW isnt' helping. Nor are my DD and DSL. When they come for a visit they always want to order P&W's. And they get soda. My wife came home w/ ginger ale. She's a great cook but we all need to lose.
They're all fatter than I am.
I love chocolate. I can't help myself. If it became illegal I'd be in jail. I can just eat a little each day though. Or go w/o for some days.
I can do this, I can do this, I can do this, I can do this, I can do this, I can't do this, I can do this, I can do this.
How many calories can I lose typing , I can do this, I can do this, I can do this?
I hope we burn calories typing too!!! Oh and the chocolate thing...I am sooooooo bad. I bought Milkyway (snack size though) and keep them in the fridge. Cut it in half and SAVOR IT after 2 meals each day, it kills the craving, or does for me at least.
Back from the gym. Attempted the cardio room again and VOILA! No crisis this Did 12 mins on the cycle and then went up and walked with free weights for 25 mins. I cant believe the difference walking with weights makes. It wears you out

I havent been on the scale cause it just annoys me but today I got a sign that I am doing something right. I always tuck my MP3 players in the strap of my bra while I am working out. it kept falling out! lol. And since its the same one I always wear to the gym and I havent adjusted it at all...I must have lost a little something somewhere.

Settled in now for the big snow about to hit us so about the only excercise I will be getting is carrrying in wood and snowshoeing to the coop for a day or two.

Have a great weekend everyone!!
I hope we burn calories typing too!!! Oh and the chocolate thing...I am sooooooo bad. I bought Milkyway (snack size though) and keep them in the fridge. Cut it in half and SAVOR IT after 2 meals each day, it kills the craving, or does for me at least.

I actually just got a note from the biggest loser email the other day, a 15 minute drive burns 17 calories! LOL THAT got me excited because I drive an hour and 45 minutes daily if not more! ha ha ha
I think I may have gained a half pound or so, but that's probably because of my school schedule- I have only slept an hour since tuesday night and I think my body has gone into survival mode bc I'm not even eating that much (when I get tired I feel nauseas), I finally came home from class today and slept for 20 minutes which felt great, then DH and DS and I went to the library and we stopped at subway on the way home for dinner. I got a black forrest ham on a flatbread with cheese and veggies and fat free sweet inion sauce. I also had a bag of light Lays that I wasn't able to finish (yeah I couldnt finish a 6" and a small bag of chips!!!) and a large sweet green tea. ALL that for only 12 points. Which is over half my daily allowance, but I had a low point breakfast and lunch. I'm down to 21 points for my daily allowence and I had that plus my breakfast of yogurt, lowcal wheat toast with pb, and lunch an arnold turkey sandwhich with no cheese and I STILL have 3 points left! I was impressed, that my sub was only 6 points and 360 calories. And it was REALLY good. I'm hoping that healthy meal will get my appetite back on track and I don't plan to use but maybe one or two of those other points since I didn't eat healthy food on the run yesterday. I also plan to go to bed in the next hour and SLEEP for 10 hours before I go to work tmrw! I think that will really help!!!
Just wanted to share my delish meal :) P.s. those Light Lays are really good and have no fat and half he cal of reg chips and even some fiber!

Tibanks, HEre's your recipe for those brownies:
One bowl Cocoa powder brownies-
3/4 c cocoa powder
3/4 c sugar (I will prob use splenda since my Dad is diabetic)
1/2 c all purpose flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 c lowfat plain or vanilla yogurt
2 TBSP (I'm wondering if that's a typo?!) vanilla extract

- preheat to 350 deg
-whisk cocoa powder, sugar, flour, baking powder and salt in a large bowl. Then use a wooden spoon to stir in yogurt and vanilla until smooth but quite thick.
- Spray 8 in square baking pan, spread batter into pan evenly to the corners.
-Bake 20 min or until a toothpick inserted into center of cake comes out with a few moist crumbs attached. Cool on wire rack for 15 min before cutting into 16 sq 2x2 in each.
Serving size is 1 sq. Each serving it 1 WW point.

And congrats on the great weight loss!
Cindiloohoo- try it girl! You have nothing to gain but your health! MY dad has been a 2ppd smoker as long as I've been alive (26 yrs) and he has had a lot MORE health issues this past year than before. Even after to heart attacks and quadruple bypass open heart he STILL didn't quit. He's type A and to him it's the only thing to even remotely control his nerves. Now he recently found out his ejection fraction is TEN TO FIFTEEN PERCENT! :-O When it should be 55-75% and the Dr basically said "look, I don't know if it's even going to help at this point, but your heart is working as hard as it possibly can to get the little bit of blood out each day that it is, and if you EVER want to think about being able to play with your grandson again, or even quite possibly living beyond the next 12 months, you WILL quit smoking." So they put him on wellbutrin to control his anxiety and help curb the cravings and then they started this program. Every Monday when he open's his pack for the day he takes 1 out. That leaves him "19" to smoke that day. And he has 19 to smoke for 3 days. On wed each week he takes another out at the start of the day leaving him with 18 to smoke each day wed thru sat. Then he repeats the following sunday. That way he's only reducing by 1 a day, and he has a few days to get used to it and then he takes another away. There have even been a few select days where he hasn't smoked them all! He's down to 14 (or maybe 13 now I forget) a day. In the next week my Dad who used to smoke 2ppd will be smoking only half a ppd! :) That makes me very happy. A but too late, but if that can work for him, it can work for ANYONE!
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You need soem sprouted whole grain bread.
Its got 75% less carbohydrates then unsprouted bread.

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