Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

Checked in on the docs scale today for a total loss of 6lbs for 30 days.

Just added a 10 minute strength building session to my workout and am up to 20 mins on the cycle in the cardio room plus the 30 minute walk everyday.

I really think that some of my meds are keeping me from losing. Not, that I am complaining about 6 lbs but with that work out and down to 1500 cals a day, I should have lost a few more.

I'm hanging in there though!

By the way, there is a thread over in the Random section called 'worst side dishes' it and you wont eat today...I promise
I second this in a big way!! My last employment had a Biggest Loser contest and I know I do not have the willpower to diet, so I compromised ... I'd continue to eat whatever I wanted, but I replaced soft drinks with water or sugar free soda (after the 3 day detox of caffiene and sugar, it's much easier to handle) and if I was at a restaurant, I chose a fish entree first, no potatoes or bread. If fish didn't sound good, then chicken.

I still ate fried foods, some chips and my daily powdered donuts and lost 6 pounds in 7 days.

I've recently discovered that these wonderful raspberry/chocolate parfait yogurts really satisfy my craving for sweet and chocolate. they're only 60 calories! Woo hoo!!!

So, I'm in for this list diet. I would like to lost at least 30 pounds. My horse agrees with this number.

I need a major kick in the butt! I've been snowed in since 5pm with no school work looming over me, and tonight is the first night I have watched biggest loser and not apent an hr of it on my elliptical :-( I just have no motivation and even feeling like poo wasnt enough. I ate terribly all week too. I dont even want to weight tmrw, I'm sure the number has gone up I'm just hoping not too much! I am snowed in all day tmrw too and planning on making turkey chili but my REAL goal is to get some excersise! The incredible headache from it being that time of the month doesnt help either. For some reason that's the one headache for an entire day every month that no amount of tylenol advil or midol will solve! UGH! I was stressed about it earlier now I am just going to try to forget this week and move on and go to bed!
When you concentrate on all you can't have you set yourself up for failure. What do you want? Have some. Not a lot, just some. Pick and choose, to where you will be satisfied. You want cookies? Are you hungry or you just want cookies? If you are hungry, eat something filling that YOU LIKE and then have two cookies. My current healthy addiction is Cuties - Clementine tangerines. OOO YUM!
chickensducks&agoose :

I need to lose 40 pounds this year. I think I can do it, right? So I thought maybe a few of you would want the same thing maybe, and we could sort of support each other a little bit. I only have 2 real friends, and they are both super thin... so no help there. anyway, If you want to, we can either post current weights, or amounts lost/gained each week or so... and maybe any hints, or super tasty low fat snacks... anyone else in?

If you eat low fat, that means you end up eating more carbs and sugar. And you will have super cravings.
If you eat plenty of real fats, (butter, non hydrogenated lard, raw coconut oil) low carb, with moderate protein, you will have excellent success.​
I did real good a few years back on South Beach and I'm convinced if my husband wouldn't have started showing up with 2 loaves at a time of Evangeline Maid bread I could have kept it was soooo good. I should have walked in the woods or something, because I had already lost over 30LBs, easily. And I felt good. Sometimes I could kick myself. Give me another 20 years like this and I might very well walk right into diabetes.
I lost 3 lbs in two weeks just cutting back on snacking at night. But now I want to be more aggressive with the low carb thing. Soooo, I just ate a sugar free jello cup and when I tossed the cup in the garbage I noticed the date of expiration: May 21, 2007.
Vfem, me too, although after all that I can't believe it...
I still lost a pound!
However I have to say vfem, the one thing I did last night that I don't normally do, normally I have some sort of snack before bed even if it's a healthy one (popcorn or fruit or something) and last night dinner was over at 7:15 and I didn't have a thing after that except a cup of hot tea... I don't know if that would be enough to do it, but when I weighed myself Monday morning I was up two pounds more than I am now (so my prev wt plus a pound). I don't know...can not eating at bedtime a night or two be the biggest help of all for me?!
The only suggestion I have, is to drink a good bit of liquids if you think you'll be hungry (although I stop that around 830 so that I am not up more than once or twice to pee!) and get yourself busy and in the mind set that once I clean up from dinner, the kitchen is CLOSED and off limits.
that's what seems to have worked for me the last two nights.
Good luck vfem and and everyone along with me who are the nighttime snackers!
Oh and Debi, I wish it would have been as simple as a craving this week... I was just HUNGRY LOL no matter WHAT I had eaten previously! I didn't eat unhealthy, just a LOT of everything that I ate!

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