April 2020 Hatch-A-Long! All are welcome!

One hatched 5am Friday morning and one 5pm friday night. So it’s been 16 hours with no action. I might be seeing wiggles in one of the eggs, but that was the one I thought had stopped developing.

Those colors are sooo cool!! I love it! I thought the bottom one was a keet or something 😂

I would leave them in there it hasn't even been 24 hours yet.
One hatched 5am Friday morning and one 5pm friday night. So it’s been 16 hours with no action. I might be seeing wiggles in one of the eggs, but that was the one I thought had stopped developing.

Those colors are sooo cool!! I love it! I thought the bottom one was a keet or something 😂
It looks like a keet 😂 It's a death layer and golden comet cross... How these colors came out I don't even know 🤷🏼‍♀️
It looks like a keet 😂 It's a death layer and golden comet cross... How these colors came out I don't even know 🤷🏼‍♀️
It's coloring looks pretty much like a Deathlayer chick. Slightly more striping on the eyes. I haven't had any so I base this off internet pictures. It's beautiful! Also reminded me a bit of my Barnevelder chicks. It'll be an exciting one to watch feather out.
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It's coloring looks pretty much like a Deathlayer chick. Slightly more striping on the eyes. I haven't had any do I base this off internet pictures. It's beautiful! Also reminded me a bit of my Barnevelder chicks. It'll be an exciting one to watch feather out.
I'm hoping that it's a female so that I can keep it because it is absolutely stunning. I've never had any deathlayers as chicks so I'm unsure what they look like. It's the only one that's that coloring.

It's hard building a coop with these ducks 😂 they keep trying to eat everything.


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