arctic cold front--special precautions for texas hens?


11 Years
Oct 25, 2008
Central Tejas
an arctic cold front's coming to central texas. temperatures expected to be high teens--30s for about 3 days here. this is unusual for these parts and our hens haven't been exposed to this kind of cold. so i'm not sure if we need to take extra precautions with a heater or something. our hen house is not insulated. any advice would be appreciated, thanks much.
This is a very old thread, but I can add a few things.
If your birds are out of the wind, there is no wind chill--so that temp is not applicable.
Keep them dry, with good ventilation, and out of the wind (where it will ruffle their feathers) and they will be fine. Some people recommend Vaseline on their chicks combs and wattles to protect them from frostbite, but please don't do this. I t does nothing and could make things worse. if you have good ventilation, there will be no frostbite. We are in Minnesota and I don't heat the coop at all and the girls are fine, They dont love the -17 F temps, but they handle it. Right now its 0 F and they are out in the pen doing fine.
Thank you so much !!
I went out and got a red light to leave running in my coop as well as one of those heated pet waterbowls. I hope it keeps my water from freezing. I also just hung a cabbage in the coop so if they get to feeling annoyed they can peck a cabbage not eachother.

Brrrrr... here we go!
oh and tonight when everyone heads into the coop they are all getting some vasoline on their combs & maybe a lil on the legs of my clean legged hens
I'm planning on feeding mine some warm oatmeal tomorrow and Friday. I'm a little concerned about the two young girls, since they are still sleeping in their own coop. I'll cover the windows with sheets.

As for myself...I bought firewood today. I'm the crossing guard at my kid's school and I'm dreading tomorrow morning. Sleet, high winds, cold temps and cedar fever all sound pretty miserable.
what do you think of the heated dog bowl idea? I was hoping it would put heat out into the coop as well as keep the water from freezing. Oh and I added a whoooole bunch of bedding lol.

I hope they fair well. Cause I will bring their little fluffy butts inside if I need to lol!
I've been preparing for this for the last couple of days. I've been keeping our bantams in the garage in crates/cages at nights when the outdoor temps dip into freezing. So far, the garage has stayed warm enough, 39 degrees or above. But with this cold front, I'm not expecting that to last.

I bought one of those oil filled radiators and I've been runing it outdoors to burn off the smell. I'm hoping the radiator will keep the garage just barely above freezing at night.

I also set up my brooder lamp with a 100 watt lightbulb out in my small winter coop. I'm planning to run that light during the day to warm that coop up a bit. Because it has a clear roof, on any day that we get any sun it already gets warmer in there than outside. If I can get the temp up above freezing in the winter coop with the lamp/sun, then I'll let the chickens go into the winter coop during the day. Otherwise, they'll just have to stay in the garage.

If the garage falls below freezing, though, all bets are off. I'll bring the whole flock of five indoors and bunk them in our dove aviary, and worry about re-acclimating them to outdoor temps later. The doves will have to go elsewhere. I just don't want to chance leaving my chickens out in extended below freezing temps because they're Serama hybrids, not a cold hardy breed.

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