Are Cheetos organic?

This thread is a RIOT! I haven’t laughed this hard in awhile.
My chickens love Cheetos too. Or really anything they can steal, it’s not safe to eat outside of they are loose they’ve literally stolen food out of my mouth before. My favorite experience was probably when when my rooster decided to steal a beakful of spaghetti he ran off with it hanging off of his comb like streamers while the rest of the flock chased him :lau
My hen Ruby, once jumped up 5ft to steal and entire caramel apple from my husband hand. He come inside, said you will never believe what your chicken just did. I'm like sure I do, she is a food mongrel...
One of my chickens, Pebbles, walked over to the porch when we had guests over. They had a three year old son, and he was sitting on the ground eating some sort of baby snack. Pebbles came up to him and decided she NEEDED to have some of his food, and she took a huge beakful of it from his hand and ran off like she thought she was being sneaky :gig

(that’s what I get for teaching them to eat from my hand!)
Can’t say mine have ever tried Cheetos but I’ve caught my dad feeding them potato chips before 😂🤣😬

Also, one time I was eating a muffin out there and one of them jumped up and stole a huge bite! 😭

Also, another time, when my brother was home, him and my dad wanted to eat outside on the deck and they came back in after like two seconds cause he said the chickens wouldn’t leave them alone 😂🤣 they surrounded them. I said, just ignore them and they’ll be fine but he said he felt wrong about eating with them watching anyways (he was eating a Buffalo CHICKEN sub) :lau :th
Can’t say mine have ever tried Cheetos but I’ve caught my dad feeding them potato chips before 😂🤣😬

Also, one time I was eating a muffin out there and one of them jumped up and stole a huge bite! 😭

Also, another time, when my brother was home, him and my dad wanted to eat outside on the deck and they came back in after like two seconds cause he said the chickens wouldn’t leave them alone 😂🤣 they surrounded them. I said, just ignore them and they’ll be fine but he said he felt wrong about eating with them watching anyways (he was eating a Buffalo CHICKEN sub) :lau :th
If he'd stayed out there, he would have felt even worse ... my chickens LOVE chicken!

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