Attacked by Racoon, Severe Injuries, Emergency, Plz Help

Here's one of my newky hatched malasian serama chicks..the egg was 1/3 the size of a regular is so tiny. I forgot to tell u...i personally would not eat the egg while ur hen is on all those meds/antibiotics. Boil it..choppe it up real good and give it to her.


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Here's one of my newky hatched malasian serama chicks..the egg was 1/3 the size of a regular is so tiny. I forgot to tell u...i personally would not eat the egg while ur hen is on all those meds/antibiotics. Boil it..choppe it up real good and give it to her.
Lol, I forgot to reply...don't eat the egg while giving antibiotics. I wait 2 weeks after they finish their antibiotic before I'll start using the eggs. Most of the time you don't have to wait that long (I wait a month after worming even though most people wait 2 weeks, my thoughts are whatever number the company or government has come up with, I need to add a little more time for my own peace of mind, lol), so yes, boil it and feed back to her. That chick is sooooooo cute and soooo tiny. Oh my goodness....
Trap, baby monitor to hear chickens getting bothered. Game camera will show you what time he/she comes and they are pretty regular, so you could be ready with your gun. I've done that with skunks. Ummmm, no free choice on whether they go into coop or not, lol. Loved the idea behind it but as you have found, they don't realize there are things waiting for them. You might make a summer coop (a coop with hardware cloth around it and sealed tight so they can roost in the summer with air flow) and then either add wood panels to it for winter or give them a winter coop (make sure there are vents in whatever direction you go).

A Baby Monitor! What a Great Idea! Thanks! :)
We did think about the cams, I saw an ad somewhere that had a set up for only $20, and we could do that, and want to, exactly for the reason you mentioned. My son is planning on sleeping out there this wknd and is going to try and get it. I'll feel awful shooting it, but I know, now it's had the taste of chicken, it will keep coming back.
I'm sure I know someone with an old baby monitor and that would be nice to have on as well.

The racoon does come around the same time! Usually between 1a-4a I'm generally a night owl and am often up at that time, so I've been keeping my ears open for noises, periodically going out to check on them and shining a flashlight around. My son leaves for work at 5am and he always goes out to check them and opens up the coop so they can get out in the 'run' area. I've heard the beast again, but we've been safe so far.

We have a wood coop, maybe I should take a pic? It's small and he built it from a design in the book he read. It is for a deep litter system and has a small area (about 8'x8') enclosed with chicken wire and small hatch type doors opening out to it.
On the back side are 2 removeable panels, that completely open the back of the coop and provide to access the litter.
It is the 1st thing he's ever built and had a lot of help from a cpl of his buddies. They didn't follow the plans exactly, and they need to add hinges so it's easier to open & close the back, but over all, they didn't a pretty good job.
He is going to buy hardware cloth and use that to cover his ventilation spots, I think they're too big to be left open, I read about squirrels attacking chickens too!?
So, he needs to get that done this wknd as well.

I'm worried about winter coming. From what I read though, it sounds like we should be ok, it just doesn't seem like it would be enough. :)

Thanks again for the tips, have a great day! :)
I LOVE when my babies "purr" or "trill" or "singsong". It means they are happy and content and all is right with their world. I will just sit and listen and have such peace in my heart. Kinda like that old "CocaCola" commercial...
. :love

Oh good! She did seem happy! That's so cool! I had no idea they did that!
I love that old commercial!! Hahaha, that's great!

I can't get close to the other chickens. Someone we know w chickens said "They want everything to do with you, and nothing to do with you!" Haha, and that's what it seems like. They'll follow me everywhere when I go out, but the minute I try to pet one or get close, they're like "Noo...I don't think so!" LOL
Well, except for recently...some will run right in front of me, squat down and spread their wings and let me scratch their back & butt! Then they fluff all out and walk away and want nothing more to do with me, haha.
A Baby Monitor! What a Great Idea! Thanks! :)
We did think about the cams, I saw an ad somewhere that had a set up for only $20, and we could do that, and want to, exactly for the reason you mentioned. My son is planning on sleeping out there this wknd and is going to try and get it. I'll feel awful shooting it, but I know, now it's had the taste of chicken, it will keep coming back.
I'm sure I know someone with an old baby monitor and that would be nice to have on as well.

The racoon does come around the same time! Usually between 1a-4a I'm generally a night owl and am often up at that time, so I've been keeping my ears open for noises, periodically going out to check on them and shining a flashlight around. My son leaves for work at 5am and he always goes out to check them and opens up the coop so they can get out in the 'run' area. I've heard the beast again, but we've been safe so far.

We have a wood coop, maybe I should take a pic? It's small and he built it from a design in the book he read. It is for a deep litter system and has a small area (about 8'x8') enclosed with chicken wire and small hatch type doors opening out to it.
On the back side are 2 removeable panels, that completely open the back of the coop and provide to access the litter.
It is the 1st thing he's ever built and had a lot of help from a cpl of his buddies. They didn't follow the plans exactly, and they need to add hinges so it's easier to open & close the back, but over all, they didn't a pretty good job.
He is going to buy hardware cloth and use that to cover his ventilation spots, I think they're too big to be left open, I read about squirrels attacking chickens too!?
So, he needs to get that done this wknd as well.

I'm worried about winter coming. From what I read though, it sounds like we should be ok, it just doesn't seem like it would be enough. :)

Thanks again for the tips, have a great day! :)
Squirrels, weasels, raccoons get their hands into anything they are strong enough to bring it all down. I get cut every time I use hardware cloth but I smile because I know a raccoon is getting cut too.....if he tries. I had rabbits and we didn't get the hardware cloth onto the dog kennel right away....big mistake....a raccoon came and pulled the chain link apart with his hands, walked in, opened two cages and pulled the rabbits out and killed them. So my metal store knows to keep hardware cloth stocked. Like that saying goes for Franks Hot Sauce...."I use that "S**t (hardware cloth) on EVERYTHING"!
It actually sounds like you've got a good coop there. As long as there is enough room for the chickens. They will bundle together during the winter. But make sure every hole, even vent holes or a small slit between roof and wall are covered. Great job.
Oh good! She did seem happy! That's so cool! I had no idea they did that!
I love that old commercial!! Hahaha, that's great!

I can't get close to the other chickens. Someone we know w chickens said "They want everything to do with you, and nothing to do with you!" Haha, and that's what it seems like. They'll follow me everywhere when I go out, but the minute I try to pet one or get close, they're like "Noo...I don't think so!" LOL
Well, except for recently...some will run right in front of me, squat down and spread their wings and let me scratch their back & butt! Then they fluff all out and walk away and want nothing more to do with me, haha.
Every chicken is different and also the time you spend with them when they are chicks makes a difference. There are people on this site who can pick up every hen and rooster in their flock because they've done it for years and then there are those, like me, who never touch but let them live their chicken life and then when we have to get one because it's hurt we have to go in at night or early in the morning, or if its an emergency we run after it. Having said that, my rooster, who has never been held by me, was bullied by a new rooster I brought in (I no longer have that rooster) and I had to take my rooster to the vet. It was like he knew I was there to help and every single staff person in the vet office, came into the exam room while we were there, to see "this rooster I heard just stands quietly"....and that's what he did. He stood on the exam table quietly and let them handle him looking at his injuries and let me hold him whilst they gave him meds. He then allowed us to give him meds for the next week and then he was done with his meds. I always call my rooster's name when I go out with treats. I don't care how many hens are around and if he's not around. I call his name and look for him to arrive before I hand out treats. He knows he's top cock around here, lol.
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