Attacked by Racoon, Severe Injuries, Emergency, Plz Help

Should we give to all the chickens, as a preventative?
None of the others are displaying any symptoms and the injured one has been quarantined for the last 8 days.
If you've got enough give it to all. It won't hurt
How old is she and what breed?

Weighing tip... weigh first thing in the morning before they eat or drink.
She's* got all white leghorn's five or 6 months old. So figured they be similar in weight.

ETA *Actually, OGM might correct me to say they are her son's birds ;)
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Oh my. You are doing a marvelous job! :hugs Praying that she will be able to see out of one eye. Completely blown away ya'll got that raccoon. I'm guessin your son got out there and tightened the hatches! I may be wrong, because it was quite a while last year or so...that I was reading a posting and following and @casportpony and someone else were helping somebody with tube feeding. Lots of knowledge. Wish I could remember the other persons signature. But @casportpony can either help you with that (if you end up going that direction) or she knows the other person who knows all about it. Two brain cells left and one is giving CPR to the other. Please God....just a shot of oxygen for me to remember the other name....somedays its just easier to breathe then to think, lol.
Could she have gotten it because her immune system was down, due to the attack?
I believe this is a definite probability. Cocci are present nearly always at some level. Coccidosis is when the levels are very high and cause symptoms. Some of your other birds may now be more suceptible bc of the upset of the attack even if they were not injured. So good idea to give them some preventative support now.;)
Oh my. You are doing a marvelous job! :hugs Praying that she will be able to see out of one eye. Completely blown away ya'll got that raccoon. I'm guessin your son got out there and tightened the hatches! I may be wrong, because it was quite a while last year or so...that I was reading a posting and following and @casportpony and someone else were helping somebody with tube feeding. Lots of knowledge. Wish I could remember the other persons signature. But @casportpony can either help you with that (if you end up going that direction) or she knows the other person who knows all about it.

Two brain cells left and one is giving CPR to the other. Please God....just a shot of oxygen for me to remember the other name....somedays its just easier to breathe then to think, lol.
Thanks so much! I thought we were gonna be ok, but now I'm worried again.

Yes, he did go out & got the last hole covered with 1/2" hardware cloth. The hole was up in the top corner of coop, birds can't get up there, but the raccoon could get in.
Now that it's fixed, feel much safer, and we're not letting them out early anymore, not until we can get their run area fortified anyway.
I'm going to weigh another one tomorrow, as well as weigh her again, and I'll post the weights. She was 2.09, just barely over 2 lbs...idk, but it doesn't sound like much. :(

biophiliac was correct, they're all Leghorns, purchased as pullets in March (no idea how old they were but they were tiny little yellow fluff balls)..and yes, they're supposed to be my son's, lol.

I will definitely do a preventive dose of the Corid for the other birds, going to start it tomorrow morning.
I also think they've got fowl pox:(

This is turning into a nightmare:(:oops:

She ate quite a bit of raw egg today, still has runny poop, but it didn't have all the brown in it, so that should be a better sign..?:fl

I'm going to get a kit ordered tonight and will be try to tube feed asap, if she's not eating better by the time it arrives. I'm also going to call around and see if I can find a cath tube locally, which would be nice, because then she wouldn't have to wait so long.

I still haven't tried the chick starter, but will pick that up tomorrow, along with some beef liver...(eww, lol):sick

Thank you for the links! I'll be checking them out tonight!

If I have to tube feed, as long as @casportpony doesn't mind (?) I'm sure I'll have questions.:bow

One bit of good news! They all came running into the coop tonight to get their treats! No jumping up in trees and walking circles around the coop trying to herd them in, lol. :ya
Now I need to buy stock in meal worms...or start growing my own...which sounds yuckier than liver, lol (not judging any liver lovers, haha):D

Can't thank everyone enough for all the help and patience!:love

Hope I didn't forget anything...hope y'all have a great night!:thumbsup
Be sure to check this one out. Kiki posted above - just posting again in case you missed it, You are trying to remember a lot at once :hugs The syringe depicted is called the 'weak kid/goat' feeding tube and appears to have a nice rounded tip for comfort, supposedly available inexpensively at farm supply stores? It is sshown at the beginning around 00:20...


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