Attacked by Racoon, Severe Injuries, Emergency, Plz Help

Amazing how tough they are!! Then I remember they are descendants of the dinosaurs who did not go extinct. They are survivors.
My son loves that they are little dinosaurs! LOL He was complaining about the Queen because she's just mean! (She's going to be called Flopsy because of her comb, and her 2nd in command is going to be Mopsy, I decided today, lol) And he said he saw her picking on the underlings and they made a noise he never heard before but "just like you would think a dinosaur makes"! Haha
And yes, they sure are survivors! I don't think I'll ever stop being amazed that she made it thru the 1st night, let alone has healed as well as she has!
(and again credit to all your help!)

A little oozing or weeping of the cauterized site is probly normal. Your plan sounds good.
Oh good, glad to hear that. I was hoping that was the case.

Do you think Heni can see at all?
She could definitely see out of her right eye before we went to the vet, but it's so full of gunk now, she can't see out of that one.
I do think the swelling in her left has gone down more and I'm pretty sure she can detect very bright lights, but I could touch her eyeball (if I wanted, lol) she just doesn't move. I have a better pic of her eye, but my piece of junk phone is not cooperating today so I couldn't post it. If we're lucky, maybe the fluid from the swelling is what's hurting her ability to see & once it's all gone, her sight will return?
I don't mind if she's blind, I just worry for her sake.
I was searching "blind chickens" on this forum and seems to me, lol, that there should be a thread devoted to that, there are quite a few of them out there! I need more info, and even hearing other people's stories is, I think, cool and interesting. (thoughts?)
I'm going to need some tips for upcoming care if she does remain blind, even if only the one eye. It's sad to watch her pecking around, looking for the food right in front of her, but she's determined and full of life, so then it makes me smile too, lol. @biophiliac I tried to reply individually, but goofed it up somehow, lol, so please read the quote ;)
She could definitely see out of her right eye before we went to the vet, but it's so full of gunk now, she can't see out of that one.
I do think the swelling in her left has gone down more and I'm pretty sure she can detect very bright lights, but I could touch her eyeball (if I wanted, lol) she just doesn't move. I have a better pic of her eye, but my piece of junk phone is not cooperating today so I couldn't post it. If we're lucky, maybe the fluid from the swelling is what's hurting her ability to see & once it's all gone, her sight will return?
I don't mind if she's blind, I just worry for her sake.
I was searching "blind chickens" on this forum and seems to me, lol, that there should be a thread devoted to that, there are quite a few of them out there! I need more info, and even hearing other people's stories is, I think, cool and interesting. (thoughts?)
I'm going to need some tips for upcoming care if she does remain blind, even if only the one eye. It's sad to watch her pecking around, looking for the food right in front of her, but she's determined and full of life, so then it makes me smile too, lol. @biophiliac I tried to reply individually, but goofed it up somehow, lol, so please read the quote ;)
Here are a few blind chicken threads.
1. Blind chicken
2.Blind chicken
Help! Blind Chicken needs companion

I just did a search and randomly picked three threads..I have NOT read any of them.
Thanks, Yep your son and I :highfive: in re the little 'raptors' lol. Its good he is observing them closely enough to distinguish individual characteristics - not so easy with all white Leghorns! Are they banded or marked in any way? I got 4 different colored breeds so I could tell them apart right away lol.

My guess is she won't be completely blind, but how impaired[or not] she is when healed we DK yet.

Did you mention BYC to your vet? [just curious:)]
Well, it didn't stay on, lol.
She was ok with it, as long as someone held her. The second she was put down , she would keep clawing at it and shaking her head & I felt like it was more distressful to keep it on.

The vet was surprised that she made this far as well and everyone that worked at the vets had to come & look at the chicken, haha. I didn't know they had that many people working there!
The vet we saw was different than te one I'd been talking to on the phone, but was really helpful. He cut the skin flap off & they were going to try and cauterize, but she squirmed so much, he was afraid of getting her eye. It bled like crazy, took forever to clot and it took two people to do it.

Got her home and she opened it two more times. Called the vet & took her back in.

They took her to the back this time, so I didn't see what they did, but one of the techs had asked (previously) about using gas, so maybe that's what they did? Anyway, she got the wound cauterized. It didn't look bad, at first, but has since gotten runny. I'm still going to use the Terramycin on it, until it's more healed.
This vet also offered Meloxicam for pain (the other wouldn't, so I didn't ask). I'm happy about that.

She's been eating like a beast too! :) She loves that slurry I made! I'm using the chick starter soaked in Corid treated water, eggs, and finely chopped lettuce. She can't get enough! Eating almost 4 oz a day of it, so she should be gaining weight soon. I did get to weigh one of the other chickens and they weigh a little over 3 lbs. I haven't weighed her today.

I think that's it. Unless something changes, I'll wait a few days and post her progress, but for now I think she'll be ok!
I guess that's it.
Thanks again to everyone, I couldn't have done it without your help & support!:love
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:weeYayyyy! Great job!
Thanks, Yep your son and I :highfive: in re the little 'raptors' lol. Its good he is observing them closely enough to distinguish individual characteristics - not so easy with all white Leghorns! Are they banded or marked in any way? I got 4 different colored breeds so I could tell them apart right away lol.

My guess is she won't be completely blind, but how impaired[or not] she is when healed we DK yet.

Did you mention BYC to your vet? [just curious:)]

They especially look like raptors when they stretch their necks out with the feathers all ruffled! LOL He spends a little time with them everyday. He says 'Good morning' to them when he opens the coop before work and after he hangs out with them for a bit, then after dinner and night when he puts them in. :)

I did! I told him that's how I got all the great info & knew what to do! ;)
They especially look like raptors when they stretch their necks out with the feathers all ruffled! LOL He spends a little time with them everyday. He says 'Good morning' to them when he opens the coop before work and after he hangs out with them for a bit, then after dinner and night when he puts them in. :)

I did! I told him that's how I got all the great info & knew what to do! ;)
Had they heard of this site before?

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