Attacked by Racoon, Severe Injuries, Emergency, Plz Help

I have a good bath method bookmarked on my profile page. It's for show birds, but you can simplify:D. If her wounds are healed a warm bath might be relaxing - or just wait a bit. :confused: You could kind of 'spot clean' her in a shallow pan of warm water if it's mainly her feet and vent area.

As long as the head wounds are healed - they use their beak and head to scoop up dust over their backs.

Well... her head is "healed" but I think she's going to have an open spot on her head forever..the edges around the wound healed up but the bone is still there, just under a very thin covering of tissue, so I thought about it & decided against the dust bath. I don't want to take the chance it'll get infected and want to wait & see if it will 'fill in' more.

I will try the warm water tho, and will check out your link, thank you!
Well... her head is "healed" but I think she's going to have an open spot on her head forever..the edges around the wound healed up but the bone is still there, just under a very thin covering of tissue, so I thought about it & decided against the dust bath. I don't want to take the chance it'll get infected and want to wait & see if it will 'fill in' more.

I will try the warm water tho, and will check out your link, thank you!
Does she stink?
Like there could be infection setting in stink?
My hen could live yet a decade so not problems for her. Your hooked bill issue consistent with damage to lower bill. At some point the excess of the upper beak with break off or you will need to trim it. Getting too long with make so she can not pick up particulates unless they are large.
Refresh my memory..
Why is it that you wanted to give her a bath?

Because she's very dirty. We had most of the dried blood from the attack gone & she was looking pretty good, then when the vet trimmed her eyelid, she bled all over again and is covered in it. She has dried food & poop stuck on her too.
I've been trimming her feathers to get the dried poop & food off and have tried wiping her down with cool & warm washcloths & paper towels & she doesn't like it at all.
I do remember biophilliac had sent a link to cleaning for show birds, that I can adapt for this chicken, I just haven't watched it yet.:oops: I plan on do so tonight tho!
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My hen could live yet a decade so not problems for her. Your hooked bill issue consistent with damage to lower bill. At some point the excess of the upper beak with break off or you will need to trim it. Getting too long with make so she can not pick up particulates unless they are large.

That's exactly what I think is happening with her beak.
I sat with her for about an hour and lightly rubbed the end of it with sandpaper and all it did was remove the very sharp point.
I'm sure there's a post here somewhere about trimming, I just haven't looked into it yet, but plan on doing so later today.
For now, I'm just making sure the dish is deep & her food watery enough so she won't have problems getting it.

Glad to hear your hen is doing well!
Someone, don't remember who, said something about a dremel tool. Perhaps you could check that in either articles or forums. Sorry I couldn't be more help., I was thinking about that and very glad you think it would work too:D Or one of the cheap versions of the manicure tool that is basically a mini dremel...they buff, file, etc., & now that I'm thinking about it, I've seen them advertised for cat/dog grooming as well!
That way I can't cut the quick, and feel I'd have better control.
Thank you:)

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